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File 134672626020.jpg - (172.88KB , 1024x768 , gta3pc_001.jpg )
7269 No. 7269 [Edit]
If real life was like videogames...
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>> No. 7270 [Edit]
I could burglarize people's homes while they watch me do it, and they wouldn't even care.
>> No. 7271 [Edit]
I could try again everytime I failed
>> No. 7272 [Edit]
I could buy 5 cigars, and get 1 free.
>> No. 7276 [Edit]
law enforcement would just be a mild nuisance.
>> No. 7731 [Edit]
I would be the protagonist and not an NPC?
The choices I make would have real consequence to my life?
>> No. 7737 [Edit]
I could run endlessly, day and night, never eating or drinking, as long as I don't sprint.
>> No. 7738 [Edit] may had sense.
>> No. 7742 [Edit]
invisible walls would hinder me flying away from the place I hate
>> No. 11187 [Edit]
>> No. 11188 [Edit]
There would be a definable villain you could fight against.
>> No. 11191 [Edit]
It could be enjoyable
>> No. 11193 [Edit]
I'd be able to get 100k dollars just by calling a number on my phone and live the neet dream
>> No. 11208 [Edit]
..only the good parts will be in the trailer;
>> No. 14251 [Edit]
I would get all the chicks.
Cheep cheep.
>> No. 14333 [Edit]
Until you run out of stamina.
>> No. 14334 [Edit]
If real life was like videogames, I might actually have a goal in this life.
>> No. 15026 [Edit]
I'd not get tired after jumping 50 times
>> No. 15027 [Edit]
i'd hope my life is a JRPG with a really good soundtrack.
>> No. 15028 [Edit]
I would air dash everywhere
>> No. 15039 [Edit]
I would install sex mod
>> No. 15066 [Edit]
It would be off 8 hours a day. Zzzzzzzzzzz
>> No. 15070 [Edit]
File 171667089785.png - (221.14KB , 479x558 , sad_yotsuba.png )
It'd be a shovelware title sitting at the depths of a bargain bin.
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