No. 11684
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, [EveTaku] GJ-bu@ (1280x720 x264-Hi10P AAC)[9AA4E70.jpg
I burned about an hour playing the "open beta" a few days before the release, and was incredibly disappointed by the game.
It feels like it wants to be a battlefield, only the developers couldn't be assed to put forth some effort. It is quite repetitive and with a very generic/bland feel to it. Movement feels like Halo 1, and the graphics are such that an xbox360 would have little trouble at 60 fps.
Also, it is meant for a console and the bare minimum of effort was put into altering it such that a mouse could eventually, if barely, get to all the menus and shit.
It really felt like a bare minimum effort project, with the main goal of soaking up as much money as they can from the original sale, and then shamelessly adding new "game modes" as dlc. There were 6 or so listed, I'd wager that all, if not most, are already complete and just "strategically" held back to milk as much money as they can from it.
overall, I am quite disappointed with the game.