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File 132495877938.jpg - (76.03KB , 1366x728 , instructions.jpg )
5701 No. 5701 [Edit]
This thread is for helping people who may have just gotten the game learn some helpful tips and tricks to make the early part of the game easier going,and also to list any glitches to watch out for.It isn't for plot spoilers,or at least anymore than necessary.

I'm constantly getting overencumbered and forced to walk at a snail's pace.I want to buy the house in Whiterun,but I don't how to get that much gold.Or at least,I didn't.Can anyone give me a step by step guide to doing this?

I've already got three iron daggers,and could probably pick up two more from the riverwood trader.How do I give them the banishment enchantment?

Right now,I've got Lydia waiting near Gerdur's house in Riverwood,and I've got most of my shit in a dresser in her house,but I'm afraid it will disappear so I want to get the Whiterun house as quickly as possible.
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>> No. 5702 [Edit]
>Can anyone give me a step by step guide to doing this?
pick up everything
sell it
>> No. 5704 [Edit]
I mean what the screencap says.How can I give the daggers a banishment enchantment?
>> No. 5706 [Edit]
getting money in skyrim is easy as pie. harvest leather(wolves and bears) make leather armour. bracers if you just wanna train smithing. armor itself sells well.
dungeon delving can be time consuming, but is profitable. dont walk around with too much crap. most of it is useless/can be picked up later once you get a house. sell EVERYTHING that isn't vital.
alternatively, you can get married, and live in their house, if they have one. use it for storage.
for the enchanting, you have to find a weapon with the banish enchantment on it, then disenchant it. then you'll know the ench and you can put it on the daggers. pain in the arse is what it sounds like.
>> No. 5707 [Edit]
Basically. Both enchanting and alchemy can yield good money, but it will take time for it to be effective. Smithing is the easiest craft-for-gold skill, and about the easiest skill to level, second only to pickpocketing. All this doesn't really matter much at all, because money WILL flow into your pockets eventually, no matter what you do. Personally I used to do pickpocketting, burglaring and smithing for gold, until I realized it was too easy, so I stopped when I maxed the respective skills, and jumped over to alchemy and enchanting just for the sakes of leveling. Money is still flowing in, even if I'm not trying anymore, and buying everything plausible; simple delivery quests will eventually yield ~1k gold - it doesn't make much sense. How much gold do I have now? over 100k. All while I'm buying property, training, wepons, material, armor, etc. like a madman. You'll end up feeling silly for grinding gold in the early-game. I'm positive Bethesda have made their easiest game of yet.
>> No. 5708 [Edit]
And I forgot to mention: if you're latent kleptomanic, start by leveling stamina for extra carrying space; and get the blessing of the steed as fast as you can. It gives you 100 extra units of carrying space and won't slow you down in armor; I believe it's somewhere around the mountains surrounding Solitude. Take a carriage to Solitude and you'll be able to locate it on the map as a black rune icon.
>> No. 11087 [Edit]
This game got really boring after I made it look pretty and created a cute girl character
>> No. 13651 [Edit]
Skyrim is still being modded.
>> No. 15121 [Edit]
File 172472568397.jpg - (274.44KB , 1920x1080 , mpv-shot0077.jpg )
Does anyone know good mods to play Skyrim as a loli? I know nothing about Skyrim I only played it like 3 hours before but I am in the mood for a game where I can immerse like that with a harem of loli companions.
>> No. 15122 [Edit]
Allthefallen probably has something.
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