Mine sweeper and the like. I found a version of mine sweeper which has no luck involved. Pretty fun. https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/puzzles/js/mines.html There's also downloads and source code here. https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/puzzles/
Coincidentally, I was deeply engaged in playing Mario's Super Picross not too long ago. I'd certainly recommend it considering there are similarities between picross and minesweeper.
>>14379 I've done picross/nonograms before. It gets tedious after a while counting over and over again to see where there has to be another block, and if you make a mistake, you practically have to start over. On smaller boards that's not an issue, but the result is also less pretty.Post edited on 18th Nov 2021, 1:36pm
Does hexagonal minesweeper require luck? Do we have the maths for that?
>>14382 Yes, yes it does. Though that can probably be avoided.
>>14383 Oh, that's a pretty clear example, nice. I don't know if doki doki idol avoids it but at least hitting a mine only sets you back instead of killing you
>>14380 Mario's Super Picross is quite forgiving compared to normal nonograms. There are actually two modes of play, Wario's and Mario's. I assume Wario's mode is a little more similar to traditional nonogram but Mario's (which is the default mode) allows you to make mistakes in the forms of lives and has a time limit. There are also stages so it only gets harder and more complex incrementally. Seems like an English translation for it was made not too long ago, you can find it in romhack.
ever play Pokemon Picross? It's pretty solid.
>>14380 I love nonograms, but that's one of the big problems I've had with them. Anything after ~25x25 involves a lot of scrolling back and forth around the board. Thankfully they separate into blocks of 5 usually, so you don't have to count individual squares, but there's a lot of keeping track of things and it's easy to get lost. The colored ones solve that, but they have the opposite problem, where they are too easy because there are only so many ways you can fill in a hundred squares when the numbers add up to 90 or so. Still, both are very fun and can be challenging
Does Bubble Puzzle count? You shoot bubbles to get similar to pop.
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