Let's have a thread dedicated to playing fighting games. Yes I know there's a thread about fighting games already but its mostly used for news. Let's use this thread to post steamids,ggpo names, psn/xbl and what games you play.
steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/CuteLittleGirl/ ggpo: CuteLittleGirl PSN: xcutelittlegirlx Games I play GGPO kof 02, 98, ST, 3rd Strike Steam Kof13, SSF4AE ps3 DoA5U, Soul Caliber 5Post edited on 19th Jun 2014, 4:30pm
http://www.fightcade.com/ https://mega.co.nz/#F!vlhTyYiD!kyHOMKDB3Z7g6A81YgtJQA
A New Challanger has Arrived!
Your rival has found you!
Do the Jack-O!
Gouki player vs Gouki AI in SSF2X
Anyone on Tohno-chan play MBAACC?
>>14626 What game is that?
>>14638 https://wiki.gbl.gg/w/Melty_Blood/MBAACC Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code It was the first result on google
>>14639 Nice. <3 anime fighters.
I've been playing 3rd Strike on Fightcade. It is a horrible experience. Lots of smurfs, trolls and flamers. The game balance sucks. I only play it because it's free fighting game, if I had money I would be playing Strive or GBVS. Sorry for posting in this ancient thread to whine about old kusoge. I don't have anywhere else to post this.
>>15080 Turd strike! I had the same experience except that some of the oldheads playing it were nice because they don't care about rank. They say the game is only bad if you play the meta with broken characters like Chunli or Yun but even the low-mid tiers have their own way of robbing you of rounds like Makoto's SA2, Urien Aeigis, Oro's SA2 setups, etc. It's a parry or die type of game and I didn't feel like learning execution to get better, it wasn't worth it. I ended up maining SA1 Ryu because all the other options felt either cheap or non viable before dropping the game altogether.
3rd Strike is Broken GuileWinQuote https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOuVA1wYMic >>15081 I want a version of SF3 where you can get the background stages and music of NG&2I. *sigh*
>>15086 EVO2024 was great especially Hayao's HUGO https://youtube.com/watch?v=RZizdwPapUs
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