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File 152022293782.jpg - (671.57KB , 1536x2048 , 1520208261874.jpg )
23404 No. 23404 [Edit]
Poor Aniki, a car crash is a terrible way to go.
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>> No. 23405 [Edit]
File 152024806918.jpg - (190.63KB , 500x500 , 1493905083518.jpg )
I know... I cried a little when I heard the news
>> No. 23406 [Edit]
Good night, sweet prince. There will never be another boss of the gym.
>> No. 23407 [Edit]
File 152026906825.jpg - (157.72KB , 508x590 , 1463450414716.jpg )
48 is too early an age to go. May he watch over us from above.
>> No. 23409 [Edit]
R.I.P. Aniki. Now he can finally surpass the limitations of his human body.
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