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File 147859233740.jpg - (96.65KB , 729x579 , you_musn__t_fire_this_by_skunk_works.jpg )
29679 No. 29679 [Edit]
How do I become a paid internet shill? People often seem to think paid internet shills exist, do they? I would probably be pretty good at it if they paid me enough. Who are they and how do I contact them?
sorry if this is bad
>> No. 29680 [Edit]
Thanks to the information provided by Edward Snowden, the existence of paid government shills that misdirect and manipulate political discourse on the internet was confirmed a while back. I don't recall any mention of how they picked up these people, though. The NSA and CIA scouts hackers in relevant colleges, so my only guess is that they'd do something similar for paid shills/trolls.
>> No. 29682 [Edit]
I've seen ads for entry level shilling on amazon's mechanical turk before.
That was an ad for actual political canvassing before.
The jidf as a particular example has both unpaid shills and paid shills, and in both cases it uses software to track the activity of the users (especially important for the paid shills, who were paid using a fairly complex metric according to anons who claimed to be paid jidf shills on a site which was confirmed (by the twitter feed of the actual jidf) to be shilled on).
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