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File 157081856054.png - (3.32MB , 1920x1080 , [Erai-raws] Granbelm - 13 END [1080p][Multiple Sub.png )
33559 No. 33559 [Edit]
I just finished it up, since I almost forgot that I had meant to watch it. I thought it was amazing. The combat scenes were amazingly choreographed and animated and I loved the intensity of the characters. Some of the staff talked about how they were heavily influenced by Tomino and I think it really showed.
>> No. 33564 [Edit]
I will watch this next. Are you the same anon who made the Magical Sempai thread?
>> No. 33572 [Edit]
I hope you like it. And no, that wasn't me.
>> No. 33578 [Edit]
>> No. 33638 [Edit]
This looks cute. Is it fun to watch?
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