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File 132152131780.jpg - (54.84KB , 600x400 , akira0119.jpg )
7288 No. 7288 [Edit]
This thread is to serve the purpose of announcing recent OVA releases that we may not all be aware of. Particularly I would like to mention that the raws of latest Seitokai Yakuindomo OVA are now available which is particularly important because WE ARE SYD, but I am also planning to use this thread in a few weeks to tell everykyon about the new Kiss✕sis OVA.
Expand all images
>> No. 7385 [Edit]
File 132191158313.jpg - (49.39KB , 512x384 , WTF_broccolisH8dogs_epic_meme.jpg )
god fucking dammit, there is subs for this in french now, but still not in english.
>> No. 7386 [Edit]
File 132191788756.jpg - (448.54KB , 800x800 , 13302034.jpg )
The first Sora no Kiseki OVA will be coming out on the 25.
>> No. 7388 [Edit]
Désolé, mon frère!... il bien fallait prendre plus d'attention à la grammaire et moin au clivage, dans le cours des ces temps lá.
>> No. 7389 [Edit]

I still need to play through this.
>> No. 7480 [Edit]
File 132262194951.jpg - (115.97KB , 1280x720 , kissxsis06.jpg )
Looks like raws for the Kiss✕sis OVA are stating to come out
>> No. 7481 [Edit]
usagi drop OVAs this winter!
>> No. 7495 [Edit]
File 132270052567.jpg - (91.67KB , 599x315 , NO_WAY.jpg )
>> No. 7504 [Edit]
Just wanted to remind you that a new SZS OVA is supposed to be released later this month.
>> No. 7508 [Edit]
Wow. Wow. That butt. Wow.
>> No. 7509 [Edit]
I agree. It is pretty nice.
>> No. 7510 [Edit]
>> No. 7518 [Edit]
File 132285321147.jpg - (125.99KB , 800x675 , kiss-x-sis-ova-9-001.jpg )
>> No. 7535 [Edit]
File 13228798451.jpg - (103.20KB , 716x399 , kxs.jpg )

...and I must say: from the very moment I started listening to our dear awesome KxS (OVA)OP, it was enough for me to get instantly happy and aroused.
>> No. 7539 [Edit]
File 132288299664.jpg - (144.50KB , 708x1038 , happy_keita.jpg )
>> No. 7715 [Edit]
File 132392300017.jpg - (42.74KB , 854x480 , syed.jpg )
OP OVA has subs as of a couple days ago
>> No. 7885 [Edit]
File 132466866480.jpg - (92.02KB , 503x283 , taiga o ben-to.jpg )
The starting was kind'a weak, but it ended up quite nicely.
>> No. 7944 [Edit]
File 132514404954.jpg - (568.32KB , 1368x1776 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Did I say that I love her?...

Post edited on 28th Dec 2011, 11:38pm
>> No. 7945 [Edit]
My nutbladder. It hurts.
>> No. 7989 [Edit]
I loved it. If I could have one Toradora OVA per year, I'd be happy. Just little slice of life episodes; I'm not really interested in a second season, as I wouldn't trust ol' JC Staff to do it justice, but this was a lovely breath of fresh air.

I truly feel as though Usagi Drop can do wrong.
>> No. 8398 [Edit]
File 132847935611.jpg - (175.95KB , 720x1234 , the way back home.jpg )
Simple and beautiful.
>> No. 8925 [Edit]
The new OVA of Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei is finally out (well it has been for over a week by now).

This is probably the last of SZS we'll ever see but it's still better than nothing.

Can't believe it's been two years since Bangaichi already.
>> No. 9558 [Edit]
The latest Seitokai Yakuindomo OVA has been out for about a week now and judging from the previous one, I guess subs will be available in about two weeks?
>> No. 9561 [Edit]

Yeah, I'm refreshing nyaa on hourly basis... I hope it'll get subbed soon. There won't ever by any SYD after this afterall.
>> No. 9565 [Edit]
>There won't ever by any SYD after this afterall.

One can hope.

I want to believe.
>> No. 9597 [Edit]

It's out.
>> No. 9608 [Edit]

Actually there has been some confusment regarding this OVA. It seems it's a standalone thing unlike the previous two which have been bundled with vols 5 and 6 respectively. This means there will be another one bundled with vol 7. So there's still some more SYD to look forward to.
>> No. 9614 [Edit]
File 133654593312.png - (4.22MB , 1810x3892 , neregate_com-Summer-2012-Anime-v2.png )
yeah, its on the summer chart for july 17
>> No. 9728 [Edit]

>Moyashimon S2
still can't believe this is actually happening.
S1 was in 2007 for those of you who don't remember, so this is almost as awesome as a träumend sequel
>> No. 9729 [Edit]
This current season has Lupin III and Saint Seiya in case you forgot, there's also the Currently Airing Aquarion sequel (first season aired in 2005)
I'd hardly find it surprising.

Post edited on 21st May 2012, 6:11pm
>> No. 9735 [Edit]
File 133768007910.jpg - (52.05KB , 854x480 , 1331505702062.jpg )
Another OVA comes out today desu desu
>> No. 9737 [Edit]
I can't wait for the "Papa no..." OVA. I wouldn't say the show was good or anything, but lolis.

Hi no Youjin also looks a little interesting.
>> No. 9798 [Edit]
File 133826887222.png - (207.18KB , 591x316 , Misaki Mei.png )
I just saw the first one. Liked it very well despite everything.

Sometimes I wish I had a female twin, myself. Seems like it'd be the bestest...
But it's just the magic of 2D, of course.
>> No. 9817 [Edit]
yeah, that was excellent. tons of boat lights and no coffee although it was kind of sad when she fell to her death.
>> No. 10278 [Edit]
Another Kiss✕sis ep just came out. No raws available yet, but its only a short matter of time before you're fapping your cock raw.
People in Japan are doing right now.
>> No. 10626 [Edit]
File 13436761759.jpg - (263.24KB , 1280x720 , 2012-07-30_161852.jpg )
Nunnally in Wonderland is subbed.
>> No. 10627 [Edit]
I hear talk that it is not more than a picture drama. What sayeth you?
>> No. 10630 [Edit]
File 134368007013.jpg - (126.96KB , 1280x720 , 2012-07-30_172712.jpg )

There's some animated scenes every now and then.
>> No. 10640 [Edit]
File 134376569186.jpg - (99.03KB , 1024x576 , 2012-07-31_171404.jpg )
Guilty Crown: Lost Christmas is out too.
>> No. 10740 [Edit]
the new seitokai yakuindomo has been out for a month now and still no subs. it seems like nem diggers has vanished so i guess it will be a while
>> No. 11142 [Edit]
File 134654403826.jpg - (57.38KB , 456x457 , fuckyeah.jpg )
Nazo no GF X OVA
>> No. 11250 [Edit]
its subbed now
>> No. 11269 [Edit]
File 134765819895.jpg - (220.14KB , 1600x1200 , makoto.jpg )
>> No. 11271 [Edit]
I didn't manage to finish the 2nd season.

and it's been so long that I'd probably want to rewatch the entire second season, then catch up with the 3rd before watching that...
>> No. 11273 [Edit]
I don't blame anyone for drooping or skipping the second season, that shit was just... something. I still can't understand why they shoved in that Milhouse type character, he made everything so depressing...
>> No. 11278 [Edit]
Yeah, I understand what you're saying, but if you were watching it while it was airing you'll remember that milhouse was a pretty hot meme at the time.
>> No. 11281 [Edit]
No, I wasn't, but even if I was, what does that matter?
>> No. 11409 [Edit]
File 134852753394.png - (389.55KB , 1024x576 , shot0013.png )
less than two weeks
>> No. 11421 [Edit]
kyoani has never made a series that wasn't set in japanese high school
>> No. 11422 [Edit]
InuYasha air Munto and Nurse witch Komugi-chan. they might have had japanese high school girls in them, but they weren't set in japanese high schools, for the most part. I'm also tempted to add kanon.
>> No. 11430 [Edit]
Now you're really reaching, Nurse witch Komugi wasn't a Kyoto Animation show, they were just subcontracted to do some backgrounds and other work of minor importance. They didn't do any of the key animation, direction, writing, character design or anything on the show that contributed to it's editorial or creative aspects.
>> No. 11432 [Edit]
okay, so that's one miss, what about the others?
>> No. 11784 [Edit]
File 134998704679.jpg - (141.04KB , 1280x720 , bwat.jpg )
boku wa tomodachi OVA
>> No. 11912 [Edit]
File 135028565497.jpg - (50.43KB , 479x580 , iamboss.jpg )
raw posted
>> No. 11959 [Edit]
File 135041540734.png - (1.03MB , 1024x576 , minami.png )
I had some fun encoding the DVD, but it looks like nobody is planning on subbing it. I don't suppose there are any lurking translators with an interest?
>> No. 12005 [Edit]
File 135055238410.jpg - (168.22KB , 1280x720 , pants.jpg )
how come nobody told me there was a lotte no omocha ova?
"pantsu research project"
this can't be anything but excellent.
i've only watched the 1st three minutes so far, but its great.
probably gonna get the animation academy award or at the very least it will get the award of me jerking off to it
>> No. 12006 [Edit]
I had no idea that that was even out.
>> No. 12021 [Edit]
File 135058813762.png - (375.53KB , 480x266 , satou.png )
>> No. 12022 [Edit]
File 135059405975.jpg - (69.99KB , 1280x720 , Astarotte no Omocha! - Ep01 (BD 720p) [Kirakira] [.jpg )

ah, the show about a loli succubus voiced by teh rei....
where even the BDs had censored bath scenes. God that show was painfully stupid and backwards in so many ways, yet very progressive at the same time.
>> No. 12026 [Edit]

Oh I had no idea this was out either...awesome.
>> No. 12078 [Edit]
File 135094848424.jpg - (63.55KB , 768x432 , shot0003.jpg )
>> No. 12111 [Edit]
File 13510622477.jpg - (115.92KB , 861x576 , mahou-chan.jpg )
wow, i can't believe that i just watched the first new ep of minami-ke in over three years.
i'm feeling the kind of elation one otherwise only sees those normals who pretend to be happy on TV commercials.
>> No. 12120 [Edit]
Apparently there's an Upotte‼ OVA out. I haven't downloaded or watched it yet, so I can't post a screen shot.
>> No. 12122 [Edit]
File 135113281728.jpg - (223.58KB , 1920x1080 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
I haven't seen it either, but I've seen lots of screens
>> No. 12124 [Edit]
Well now, the OVA has become my top priority. Thank you.
>> No. 12266 [Edit]
File 135180080928.jpg - (119.51KB , 1280x720 , cleavs.jpg )
Kore Zombie OVA
>> No. 12267 [Edit]
File 135180247986.jpg - (61.96KB , 1280x720 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
oh dear
>> No. 12431 [Edit]
File 135270261840.jpg - (370.24KB , 1920x2397 , a013_01.jpg )
OVA inferior,
Movies superior

Madoka, Evangelion Q, Index, Steins Gate, PreCure movies coming up.
>> No. 12695 [Edit]
File 135469573877.jpg - (100.30KB , 1280x720 , shot0018.jpg )
only three weeks until hellsing ultimate
>> No. 12751 [Edit]
File 135526631477.jpg - (23.34KB , 711x400 , vlcsnap-131263.jpg )
Anyone here know anything about the Saint Oniisan OADVD?
It should have been out over a week ago, but I can't even find a raw…
>> No. 12753 [Edit]
File 135528490438.jpg - (46.08KB , 400x418 , 2569_1336927357.jpg )
I didn't even know about the existence of these. Watching them now.
>> No. 13185 [Edit]
File [sage]_Hellsing_Ultimate_OVA_-_10_[720p-AAC][4B4C8.torrent - (12.09KB )

two and half gigs of i-don't-know-if-its-good-yet

did anyone watch any thing earlier subs from less than reputable groups. a lot of people were saying they sucked, but i wonder how many of those people were intelligent to judge correctly.
>> No. 13186 [Edit]

nope. was waiting for nutbladder, but I liked sage's lupin translation so I'll gladly borrow that torrent you linked and post again in 5 hours or so and tell you then if it's any good.
>> No. 13189 [Edit]
yeah, sage has never done me wrong yet, so i see no reason to wait.
this is only the 720, btw.
they say they'll have the 1080 in about 24h, but i don't have a screen for 1080 so lucky me, i don't have to wait.
>> No. 13213 [Edit]
File 135770232880.png - (458.45KB , 1280x720 , seras.png )
Whoa, no subtlety here
You could practically smell this.
Not that I want to sniff a ǝɹıdɯɐʌ's panties, not even 2d ones.

Anyway, even though I didn't really like Ultimate as much as the TV version, there were some moments in X where the animation was on a particularly high tier. Not only good, but some creative and unusual techniques were put into play (or at least ones I hadn't seen before). Unfortunately there are also endless soliloquies by The Major. Ultimate isn't even really a ǝɹıdɯɐʌ show like the TV anime was, there is pretty much no connection to the ɐןnɔɐɹp history, its more like something Marvel might have put together. ɐןnɔɐɹp needn't have even been a ǝɹıdɯɐʌ for the purposed of Ultimate. The TV Hellsing was a real down and dirty ǝɹıdɯɐʌ series, with blood drinking, coffin sleeping, the whole nine yards and thats why it was more enjoyable for me, because (regardless of what I said about the pantsu) I like ǝɹıdɯɐʌ shows.
I think I watched the whole of Ultimate simple out of loyalty to the TV anime.

I score Hellsing X: VII/X
>> No. 13413 [Edit]
File 13581871482.jpg - (40.90KB , 614x353 , hyouka-mizugi-ova-cm-001-614x353.jpg )
1st Hyouka OVA is out.

Houtarou's been specially mysterious, here. He looks extremely apathetic, in the surface; my guess is that he's dealing with being head over heels for Chitanda, already (who looked damned well on that bikini).
>> No. 13833 [Edit]
New Ki✕Si OVA tomorrow
>> No. 13838 [Edit]
File 136001364470.png - (323.66KB , 853x480 , shot-2013-02-04-11h39m28s17.png )
>> No. 13926 [Edit]
File 136045818068.png - (401.51KB , 853x480 , shot0003.png )
Theres been raws for a few days, but no subs yet.
Hatsuyuki did the last one, but it took a few weeks IIRC.
Sankakucomplex has several dozen screencaps if you're the type of person who is into spoilers.
>> No. 13945 [Edit]
File 136066781328.jpg - (321.91KB , 1280x720 , baka.jpg )
There's been better ones, I think, but it was OK.
>> No. 13956 [Edit]
File 136080336881.png - (401.09KB , 1280x720 , riko.png )
I have a rock hard boner throughout the entirety of this. I can't say if one KxS OVA is better than another, they're all perfect. Sensei in the track suit was my favorite ep of the anime, so I liked this one just fine too.
>> No. 13961 [Edit]
File 136081876147.jpg - (132.67KB , 1440x810 , nisemonogatari-8-kanzen-ni-eromonogatari-049.jpg )

They're pretty daring, but somehow they do not arouse nearly me as much as before. I blame Nisemonogatari.
>> No. 14038 [Edit]
File 136134320152.png - (362.61KB , 848x480 , 2013-02-19-10h05m28s154.png )
[Anonymous] Seitokai Yakuindomo OVA 05v2 [480p][48BB3203].mkv
>> No. 14068 [Edit]

Couldn't help getting reminded of Ghost Party during the 7 mysteries bit with Arai Satomi.
>> No. 14403 [Edit]
File 136289835049.jpg - (131.09KB , 837x468 , Joshiraku OAD.jpg )
Joshiraku OAD is been out for a few days now.
>> No. 14404 [Edit]
I didn't know.
>> No. 14445 [Edit]
the saint onii-san ova from last year has subs now
>> No. 14603 [Edit]
File 136407402836.jpg - (90.83KB , 270x409 , 35733l.jpg )
I guess movies count too? Second Nanoha movie has been released on BD and it has been subbed by commie and horriblesubs.
>> No. 14605 [Edit]
File 136408647224.jpg - (55.54KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha The MOV.jpg )
the original BD/DVD came with english subs on it. That's horriblesubs.

They only notably botch two scenes, and none of the songs are translated. Commie probably fixed those, though I'm not going to rewatch the entire movie quite yet to find out.
>> No. 14634 [Edit]
File 136430069681.jpg - (117.60KB , 600x998 , 21f81364243392_full.jpg )
>> No. 14683 [Edit]
File 136460240261.jpg - (376.16KB , 1280x1848 , 236f20599d8b57e5defe87b2b.jpg )
Teen Nanoha for 3rd movie?
>> No. 14684 [Edit]
Thats actually why I never watched the third season.
>> No. 14685 [Edit]
File 136462813437.jpg - (227.12KB , 800x800 , 407.jpg )
STRIKERs isn't a bad fantasy action series, in all honesty.

it's just that if you go into it expecting a magical girl fighter series with lolis and friendship and OH YEA? WELL FUCK YOU I SHOOT BEAMS, you will be sorely disappointed.

On that note, the guy whose mind will be the building blocks for MOVIE 3rd's entirely new story (it's not STRIKERs) is the guy who conceived the idea that FORCE would be a good addition and continuation for STRIKERs. Take that as you will.

also to note, 14-16 year old nanoha may be pushing into the too old category for many who came just for the lolis.
Vita just isn't enough when she's reduced to a side character with shitty amounts of screen time.
>> No. 15479 [Edit]
File 136822055190.jpg - (93.27KB , 1280x720 , snapshot20100719114353.jpg )
>> No. 15480 [Edit]

Thanks, been looking forward to this but I somehow managed to forget about it.

... We won't ever see S2 will we? Damn shame, I enjoy the OVAs but a proper TV series would've been so much better.
>> No. 15481 [Edit]
You're just unlucky enough to have found the series before all of the OVAᵉ were published. I watched Doki Doki School Hours a couple years ago and there were about 10 OVA eps. Cool free 2nd season.
>> No. 15533 [Edit]
now subbed by /ota/subs
>> No. 15561 [Edit]

Sales are rather good, too.

>4,538 **4,538 Seitokai Yakuindomo kaettekita OVA
1,356 *,**1,356 Seitokai Yakuindomo kaettekita OVA
>> No. 15816 [Edit]
File 136948247977.jpg - (248.19KB , 1280x720 , [ota] Seitokai Yakuindomo - OVA 06.jpg )
Just make S2 already you assholes.

Has there ever been any series that has gotten another TV season after going through OVA hell?
>> No. 15831 [Edit]
Remember when OVAs used to be good?
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