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File 132152131780.jpg - (54.84KB , 600x400 , akira0119.jpg )
7288 No. 7288 [Edit]
This thread is to serve the purpose of announcing recent OVA releases that we may not all be aware of. Particularly I would like to mention that the raws of latest Seitokai Yakuindomo OVA are now available which is particularly important because WE ARE SYD, but I am also planning to use this thread in a few weeks to tell everykyon about the new Kiss✕sis OVA.
129 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 17532 [Edit]
File 138152935371.jpg - (94.52KB , 1280x720 , [SubDESU] Maken Ki! - OVA - 02 [1280x720 10bit x2.jpg )
That was the best OVA I've watched to date.
>> No. 17535 [Edit]
is that a boy
is this a gay ova
>> No. 17557 [Edit]
File 138183541062.jpg - (119.05KB , 640x876 , zch.jpg )
So when a movie gets broadcasted on TV after the cinema release, is it an OVA then?
>> No. 17560 [Edit]
File 138186213098.jpg - (66.74KB , 1280x720 , [SubDESU] Maken Ki! - OVA - 02 [1280x720 10bit x2.jpg )
it was a boy. not so much anymore.

and Yes, there's lot of implicit action between members of the same sex, if that's what you mean.
>> No. 17668 [Edit]
File 138257378547.jpg - (172.55KB , 1114x1234 , memories__.jpg )
This was pretty good. We got to see more of Ohana's mom youth, among other things (like Minchi's ass). P.A. Works girls sure are gorgeous.
>> No. 17754 [Edit]
File 138313222462.jpg - (41.10KB , 640x360 , ep_488735_2.jpg )
wtf did I just watch
>> No. 17790 [Edit]
File 138370885473.jpg - (148.73KB , 576x851 , 1289354497541.jpg )
>> No. 17797 [Edit]
File [AnyMinuteNow]_Seitokai_Yakuindomo_OVA_-_08_(DVD_4.torrent - (16.22KB , [AnyMinuteNow] Seitokai Yakuindomo OVA - 08 (DVD 4.torrent )

>> No. 17800 [Edit]
File 13838093769.jpg - (30.20KB , 848x480 , [AnyMinuteNow] Seitokai Yakuindomo OVA - 08 (DVD 4.jpg )
Hata is wonderful.
>> No. 17801 [Edit]
i came twice
>> No. 17844 [Edit]
File 138401556888.jpg - (122.92KB , 848x480 , SYD #1!.jpg )
Can't wait.
>> No. 18087 [Edit]
What is this?
>> No. 18151 [Edit]
File 138664556761.jpg - (77.01KB , 1280x720 , _5BNutbladder_2C_20I_20presume_EF_BC_9F_5D_20Hidam.jpg )
And with that, it's finished completely.

Now to wait for nutbladder to sub the commentary tracks.
After they sub the commentary tracks for SP, which they promised to do and (to the best of my knowledge) haven't gotten to yet.
>> No. 18155 [Edit]
>And with that, it's finished completely.

Hidamari is still ongoing
>> No. 18156 [Edit]
File 138669990287.jpg - (87.36KB , 1280x720 , _5BNutbladder_2C_20I_20presume_EF_BC_9F_5D_20Hidam.jpg )
With Hiro being changed from a main character in the hidamari apartments to a side character that shows up every now and again, it is over to me.
>> No. 18160 [Edit]
File 138671365026.png - (2.65MB , 1280x720 , Minami-ke Natsuyasumi.png )
Did they really need to use cgi on the beetle, they really couldn't draw one? The thing barely moved at all.
>> No. 18167 [Edit]
File 138677102267.png - (236.60KB , 480x480 , The Sunshine.png )
So nice to see sunshine again, Shaft really needs to get their QUALITY under control though. Next season when?
>> No. 18194 [Edit]
CGI is the future!
Unless you're stuck in the past...
>> No. 18509 [Edit]
>Natsume Yuujinchou 夏目友人帳 OAD 「ニャンコ先生とはじめてのおつかい」 (DVD 848x480p x264 AAC). mkv
> 2014-01-07

10 days and still waiting for subs.
>> No. 18512 [Edit]
three weeks is pretty much part for the course for OVA releases
>> No. 18609 [Edit]
File 139130608046.jpg - (58.50KB , 1280x720 , y8PAxqpeSd0.jpg )
>> No. 18696 [Edit]
File 139238740349.jpg - (47.23KB , 1280x720 , [SLOWBROS & E-HARO] Natsume Yuujinchou_ Itsuka.jpg )
>> No. 18698 [Edit]
helll yeah, motherfucker
>> No. 18796 [Edit]
"I love you" OVA was subbed.
>> No. 19246 [Edit]
File 139960525935.jpg - (54.64KB , 636x356 , Eba.jpg )
Kimi no Iru Machi is over... and I'm still stuck in here.
>> No. 19574 [Edit]
File 140186882543.png - (2.65MB , 1280x720 , shot0932.png )
Just saw GJ-bu@
I guess it was a decent way to end the series but it just wasn't doing it for me. I guess the AMERICA stuff kinda left a bad taste in my mouth. the whole thing was all very 'okay' too me
>> No. 20911 [Edit]
File 141320081682.jpg - (379.82KB , 827x1169 , 29cbb92595b1df877a095fb7fa41ac47.jpg )
D-Frag OVA is now subbed.
>> No. 20930 [Edit]

Watched it yesterday, pretty disappointing overall, not on par with the rest of the series really. I was looking forward to it, too. Oh well.
>> No. 22158 [Edit]
File 142407538684.jpg - (242.13KB , 1920x1038 , The_Tale_of_The_Princess_Kaguya_2013_1080p_BluRay_.jpg )
I got around to watching The Tale of The Princess Kaguya.
I was rather impressed by the art, it's great to see an anime where the character art and background art actually match and don't look like they were made on opposite ends of the planet, not to mention seeing something in that style brought to life in the first place. I can really see where that budget went.
That said, it felt like a bit of a chore to watch. It was two hours long but felt twice that. The pacing was really just awful and I was starting to nod off at points. I had a really hard time getting into it. I honestly feel like the movie could have been half an hour shorter without missing a beat. From what I remember of the original story, I'm suppressed they could drag it out for two hours.
Also, the original story really made Kaguya seem like a completely spoiled narcissistic bitch, feels like they down played that a lot here but then she goes and does stuff like letting the boy she likes get the shit beat out of him while she just watches and says nothing
There's one scene in particular I had a bit of a problem with. I find it very strange how the only person who dies during the whole movie dies in a very slapstick style as if it was supposed to be funny, but then you find out in the next scene that no actually he freaking died there. I can imagine a lot of people laughing at it in the theater when that guy fell and got his head stuck in a pot, followed by a whole lot of awkwardness...
Even stranger is how I was thinking to myself "lol man, that's a broken neck irl right there!" but then he died of a broke back instead.

Worst of all I'm really disappointed Tewi and Reisen Didn't make an appearance, I feel cheated.
>> No. 22310 [Edit]
File 142570556663.gif - (58.40KB , 205x181 , saltyicecream.gif )
Does one-shot music videos count as OVAs?
【Hatsune Miku】★World Is Mine, Anime★ 【Original】
>> No. 22352 [Edit]
File 142588434215.jpg - (11.43KB , 160x160 , dock.jpg )
"Hamatora" Anime Feature Film and SD Series Confirmed
"Re:␣Hamatora Fes.2015 Spring" DVD will go on sale on June 26
>> No. 23482 [Edit]
File 143668954684.jpg - (93.57KB , 1280x720 , [Lazy Lily] Yuru Yuri Nachuyachumi! OVA [720p][2C5.jpg )
Just saw Yuru Yuri Nachuyachumi, It was fucking great.
I just wish they did a bit more with the sisters.
>> No. 24691 [Edit]
File 144774939693.jpg - (523.70KB , 1600x1200 , z20151117.jpg )
Any more OVAs?
>> No. 24699 [Edit]
File 144781068250.jpg - (135.98KB , 1440x810 , kyoani nigger.jpg )
Ovum is the correct plural
>> No. 24717 [Edit]
File 144791962182.jpg - (47.63KB , 560x657 , z20151119.jpg )
Ovum sounds silly. I prefer OVAries. Haha.
>> No. 25637 [Edit]
File [FFF]_Hoozuki_no_Reitetsu_OAD_-_02_[DVD][576p-AAC].torrent - (15.15KB , [FFF] Hoozuki no Reitetsu OAD - 02 [DVD][576p-AAC].torrent )

This is good
>> No. 25638 [Edit]
I cant find the Prison School OVA from last week anywhere.
>> No. 25657 [Edit]
File [BlubberSubs]_Angel_Beats!_-_OVA2_[CED71E47]_mkv.torrent - (10.74KB , [BlubberSubs] Angel Beats! - OVA2 [CED71E47]_mkv.torrent )

I didn't see the Angel Beats Ova2 posted in here.
>> No. 25756 [Edit]
File 145852257075.png - (1.45MB , 1600x1015 , Shinmai-Maou-no-Testament-Naruse-Mio-Naruse-Maria-.png )
testament burst ova
>> No. 25775 [Edit]
File 145863871097.png - (1.07MB , 1280x738 , anime screencap2016-03-22-02h13m59s505.png )
son of a fuck less than a minute in
>> No. 25825 [Edit]
File dfdsf.torrent - (11.49KB )

new 1pm ovum
>> No. 25826 [Edit]
>> No. 27515 [Edit]
Danmachi ova is out
>> No. 30171 [Edit]
Yup, here it is.
>> No. 31818 [Edit]
File 154166590943.jpg - (110.62KB , 1280x720 , [Mori] Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka?? ~Dear My S.jpg )
I just saw Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? ~Dear My Sister.
It was a fun little movie. Not really much of a plot to it but it was nice and cute.
>> No. 32103 [Edit]
File 154740650598.png - (2.47MB , 1024x576 , [FFF] Hoozuki no Reitetsu OAD - 04 [DVD][576p-AC3].png )
FFF has released the 4th Hoozuki OAD
>> No. 32106 [Edit]
File 154745949699.gif - (379.50KB , 400x399 , Lazer Cat.gif )
Very good post, very good news
>> No. 32486 [Edit]
File [Erai-raws]_Ore_ga_Suki_nano_wa_Imouto_dakedo_Imou.torrent - (3.68KB , [Erai-raws] Ore ga Suki nano wa Imouto dakedo Imou.torrent )

>> No. 32533 [Edit]
File 155308803251.jpg - (298.70KB , 900x1200 , 20190318.jpg )
Alita OVAs were very 90s
>> No. 33814 [Edit]
File 157753471358.jpg - (166.23KB , 1920x1200 , 20191222.jpg )
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Re;surrection Movie Trailer
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