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File 151264378924.png - (81.80KB , 1100x500 , YExKnLt.png )
29908 No. 29908 [Edit]
How about it? Anyone want to give this a shot?
86 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 30568 [Edit]
File 151718379151.jpg - (356.24KB , 900x455 , potatoes.jpg )
>> No. 30579 [Edit]
File 15171919989.png - (912.13KB , 1100x500 , diebuster.png )
>> No. 30630 [Edit]
File 151745622582.png - (802.00KB , 1100x500 , dcry.png )
>> No. 30809 [Edit]
File 151844106365.png - (657.13KB , 1008x390 , gdgd.png )
>> No. 30813 [Edit]
As a fan, this is extremely accurate.
>> No. 30819 [Edit]
File 151852840656.jpg - (512.36KB , 1225x500 , bahamutvs.jpg )
>> No. 30826 [Edit]
File 151856776986.png - (2.10MB , 1100x500 , aku no hana.png )
Pretty obvious but still upset about it, since it became one of my favourite manga.
>> No. 30827 [Edit]
Haven't read the manga, but that is one anime I will never watch unless I get paid at least $10 per episode.
>> No. 30834 [Edit]
File 151863151335.jpg - (149.92KB , 1100x500 , newgame.jpg )
>> No. 30838 [Edit]
File 151868527927.png - (554.70KB , 1100x542 , apoc.png )
>> No. 30849 [Edit]
I think Aku no Hana's rotoscoping is better than the rotoscoping in the new Berserk series.

That image is also taken from early on, I think they started spending the budget a lot more in the later episodes. The production quality does increase throughout the series.

I know most people are just going to shit on it here (and to some extent rightfully so) but it was at least "interesting" and they tried something different.

I'm a huge fan of Oshimi Shuzo though so I'm biased. He writes extremely compelling stories.

I'd say I'm less embittered by the rotoscoping and more about how they just crammed an entire story arc into episode 12 and ended the series off that.

I think it sold 200 units or something. Some astronomically low number like that.
>> No. 30857 [Edit]
File 151895122029.jpg - (540.85KB , 1100x500 , ibo.jpg )
Are you afraid of paragraphs or something?
>> No. 30869 [Edit]
They terrify me!
>> No. 30883 [Edit]
File 15194171837.png - (877.63KB , 1100x500 , mahouiku.png )
>> No. 30884 [Edit]
File 151941732861.jpg - (99.69KB , 1100x500 , gems.jpg )
Hehehe good answer.
>> No. 30907 [Edit]
At least the classroom meltdown scene was beautifully made indeed, and all the scenery porn was just awesome. But, as another huge fan of Oshimi's work, I found criminal not to incorporate his gorgeous drawing style as well, which was at its peak by the midpart of Aku No Hana and consistently high during Hyoryu Net Cafe. Especially the psychedelia of his mind states' portrayal fell flat, when limited to that rigid rotoscoping of a blunt live action series (which is what it should have been frontaly presented as, to begin with).

They could still rotoscope it in a stylish but fairest way, as in Tatami Galaxy, Animatrix or whatnot. But they didn't and, in turn, unfairly stigmatized the series beyond belief.
>> No. 30966 [Edit]
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>> No. 30980 [Edit]
File 152079964674.jpg - (285.77KB , 1260x506 , jinrui.jpg )
>> No. 30994 [Edit]
File 152091025037.png - (718.32KB , 1099x501 , baby.png )
>> No. 30997 [Edit]
File 152097108519.png - (796.09KB , 1100x500 , PrismaIllya.png )
I watched a season and thought this was a biased exaggeration. Then I watched some more and found it was completely accurate.
>> No. 31019 [Edit]
File 15215160605.png - (748.17KB , 1100x500 , uchouten.png )
>> No. 31028 [Edit]
File 152160221398.jpg - (366.80KB , 1100x500 , lolicop.jpg )
>> No. 31035 [Edit]
File 152175435956.jpg - (81.04KB , 800x361 , hxh.jpg )
>> No. 31039 [Edit]
File 152185890610.png - (508.19KB , 1100x500 , nichibros.png )
>> No. 31045 [Edit]
File 152202830779.jpg - (183.36KB , 1100x500 , gatchaman.jpg )
>> No. 31052 [Edit]
File 152220131813.jpg - (151.58KB , 1008x403 , 91.jpg )
Thankfully doesn't last 91 episodes.
>> No. 31071 [Edit]
File 152234657523.png - (573.72KB , 1100x500 , birby.png )
>> No. 31076 [Edit]
File 152242057930.jpg - (94.90KB , 1008x403 , hakumei.jpg )
Cute nevertheless.
>> No. 31090 [Edit]
File 152270316856.png - (663.04KB , 1100x500 , fsn.png )
More like pic related. I think FSN2006 is more or less equal to UBW. I don't see why the latter is regarded to some sort of masterpiece.
>> No. 31091 [Edit]
masterpiece? All I hear is complaints from people about how disappointing UBW was.
>> No. 31092 [Edit]
File 152280854577.jpg - (213.83KB , 1100x500 , gup.jpg )
>> No. 31093 [Edit]
This is especially true of the OVA where they battled anzio, they did some crazy shit with those tanks.
>> No. 31172 [Edit]
File 15243627973.png - (774.36KB , 1100x498 , kino2.png )
Pointless "sequel".
>> No. 31196 [Edit]
File 152495022945.png - (898.25KB , 1100x500 , kb.png )
Terrible anime.
>> No. 31205 [Edit]
Yeah I really couldn't care less about any of the side characters. Slave girl turned photographer was the worst.
>> No. 31206 [Edit]
File 15249859076.jpg - (464.04KB , 1100x500 , death match of slaves.jpg )
>> No. 31208 [Edit]
Watching it now. Can relate.
>> No. 31211 [Edit]
File 152521018186.jpg - (331.36KB , 1008x403 , ergo.jpg )
>> No. 31214 [Edit]
This is 100% accurate.
>> No. 31226 [Edit]
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>> No. 31235 [Edit]
File 152585001330.jpg - (270.25KB , 1450x560 , SCC.jpg )
Next sequel will be about a SoL romance about Sakura finding love and having children, brought to you by Abe.
>> No. 31242 [Edit]
File 152603506152.png - (0.98MB , 1100x500 , crap.png )
I feel bad for its fans who got royally shafted by Toei, who used all that incoming money to properly animate literally all their other series yet made DBS look like a pile of garbage.
>> No. 31244 [Edit]
File 152608591929.jpg - (60.99KB , 650x488 , lain17.jpg )
its ABe motherfucker
>> No. 31245 [Edit]
I'm talking about Shinzō Abe, the prime minister of Japan for the last 6 years, you pretentious moron. The running joke is that Abe gives money to anime studios to stealthily push pro-procreation and pro-family elements to increase birth rates.
>> No. 31266 [Edit]
File 152646073358.jpg - (216.00KB , 1915x730 , MKnR.jpg )
>> No. 31287 [Edit]
File 152680826936.jpg - (2.37MB , 3883x1737 , ajin.jpg )
I'm going to run out of these soon.
>> No. 31293 [Edit]
File 152706081372.png - (361.75KB , 1009x387 , watamotemanga.png )
>> No. 31779 [Edit]
Some of these are amusing. Thanks, people.
>> No. 31789 [Edit]
File 154105070497.jpg - (441.26KB , 1100x500 , I got the office.jpg )
Pretty much.
>> No. 33664 [Edit]
File 157255852325.png - (767.63KB , 972x441 , Spoiler Picture.png )
Lain Spoilers
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