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13730 No. 13730 [Edit]
What are some good moe JRPGs?
>> No. 13731 [Edit]
Dungeon Travelers 2 and the Atelier series.
>> No. 13732 [Edit]
Like the above poster said, Atelier is quite good(although maybe not the last one, I didn't really like it and it's not as moe as the others). Touhou Genso Wanderer is good as well.
>> No. 13733 [Edit]
>Dungeon Travelers 2
I'm guessing we'll never get a Western release of 2-2, especially since the Vita is (sadly) dead.
>> No. 13734 [Edit]
Not unless they port it to something else. I hope they do.
>> No. 13735 [Edit]
The Switch is a good candidate since Omega Labyrinth is on it.
>> No. 13736 [Edit]
Yeah, several other vita dungeon crawlers like Mary Skelter made it over too.
>> No. 13792 [Edit]
File 159074193657.webm - (858.56KB , [RipFrom_net].webm )
Anyone recommend Princess Connect?
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