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File 160030848245.jpg - (109.61KB , 760x974 , 8333aef6342eea4f3810ebe64bde2a1c.jpg )
13891 No. 13891 [Edit]
Do you prefer games which involve reflexes, or games that give you a lot of time to think? Reflex oriented games like tetris and platformers feel too nerve-racking and pointless to me. Playing through castlevania 3 feels like an exercise in trial and error.
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>> No. 13892 [Edit]
File 160031205995.jpg - (71.56KB , 1200x899 , sleepy panda.jpg )
I prefer easy games because I'm bad at them and I don't have fun when a game is too hard like when I played Code Vein. Some amount of skill required is the ideal and I don't want it to be too easy but I guess somewhere between easy and normal. I like to take it easy during geimu time.
>> No. 13894 [Edit]
Games can be slow and hard at the same time. GO and shougi give you all the time you need, but they're far from easy. I guess some rpgs are like that too.

Post edited on 16th Sep 2020, 8:14pm
>> No. 13895 [Edit]
I think my tastes in video games are a little on the 'casual' side. A bit of a challenge (be it mental or physical) is nice but not to the point that the game becomes frustrating. I play video games for the experience and the escape, not to prove anything to anyone (including myself). This is why I tend to primary play AAA single player games while sprinkling in oldies and indies here between. For all their problems they can offer some memorable stories and experiences while not being too stressful to play. JRPG should fit well into this, but they're a little 'too' easy going, and can be tedious and boring in the game play departments. I've used stuff like cheat engine more than a few times to bypass grinding and focus on the rest of the game. Sure every once in a while a bit of a harder challenge isn't so bad though, and overcoming it 'can' be a bit rewarding, but most of the time I find it's not really worth it.
>> No. 13914 [Edit]
File 160077058619.webm - (3.49MB , __mirai_nana_kako_and_calenda_kemono_friends_drawn.webm )
Probably the latter.
>> No. 13948 [Edit]
I prefer strategic games over reflex-based games most of the time, but it depends on the game itself. A good example of this is Left 4 Dead 2. The base game is a 4 player co-op with chaotic arcade-style gameplay. It has it's merits but the novelty wore off. I downloaded a mutation that removes the three other survivors and alters the behavior of the zombies where they have a lower spawnrate, slower speed, and are less aware of their surroundings. The catch is that they can only be killed by a headshot and any damage dealt by one kills the player instantly. It transformed the game into a survival horror experience where you have to constantly check your surroundings and conserve ammunition. Two examples of games that I prefer to be more reflex-based are the MS-DOS Doom games. I use Brutal Doom which overhauls the game engine to incentivize faster paced firefights with the enemy AI.
>> No. 13949 [Edit]
Reflex. Too bad there's been nothing but trash in that category for years and years.
>> No. 13950 [Edit]
Doesn't puyo puyo have a good reputation? They released a tetris cross-over recently.
>> No. 13961 [Edit]
File 160241835178.jpg - (146.21KB , 850x794 , 20201108.jpg )
Bit of both would be perfect for me.

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