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File 141048479343.jpg - (472.78KB , 900x675 , psp3.jpg )
10913 No. 10913 [Edit]
lately I've been messing around with my psps a lot and figured with the wide range of home brew applications, plugins, and emulators that it could use a thread for discussion such things.

So have any of you tried messing around with modding/hacking these things?
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>> No. 10938 [Edit]
Use my 2000s everyday. Need to throw a new case on the secondary though. Should probably pick some extra cases up before they become scarce.
>> No. 10956 [Edit]
I tried my hand at running ePuds on my psp via pspkvm this morning. Took me hours of work trying figure out how to get it to just look for my epud directory in the card's root before settling for one of the few folders that actually did show up only to get an error trying to read the file.
>> No. 10957 [Edit]
File 141090385843.jpg - (62.60KB , 300x170 , preview_background.jpg )
Lately I've been playing around with custom ctf themes. some of them can be pretty impressive. they're like those custom ptf themes but allow for a lot more freedom. I found one that works really well for my blue psp called modern pro. took some editing to get it working on 6.60. it was already converted but the person who did the converting didn't notice a music visualizer is broken and crashes the system.
>> No. 10966 [Edit]
File 141109586299.png - (211.57KB , 480x272 , PSP_MAIN.png )
I need to consider upgrading but I'm lazy and am on 5.50 Prometheus 4 on this particular PSP. This isn't my most heavily modded one though, and as such I don't want to mess around too much with CTF crap.
>> No. 10967 [Edit]
wipeout theme, nice. I used to use that on my crystal clear psp before I sold it.
>> No. 10970 [Edit]
Yeah, it's clean looking and it's not CTF, so no extra RAM/CPU usage.
>> No. 11016 [Edit]
File 141231776872.jpg - (696.58KB , 900x1350 , blue.jpg )
I recently put this thing together. Hoping to make it my main someday but it still needs a bit of work. stick doesn't move around that well and the shoulder buttons don't work as good as they could. Thing is crazy light without a umd drive in it, half the weight of a fat. I might also try out some leds and what not to trick it out. If I could afford to mess around I'd maybe even try installing a camera behind the memory card and gps where the umd was. Second analog stick mod would be neat but I can't think of more than 3 psp games that would benefit from it. also got some extra speakers laying around that I thought of putting in it, but don't think there's enough space in the front area for that. I was able to find a ctf theme I think works well, but need to figure out how to remove the animated wave thingy which appears over background images on that theme for some reason.

I was really lucky with this thing, I was able to find a psp 2000 for only $17 just becuase it was bricked (super easy fix) and it had a TA-085v1 motherboard which is pretty much ideal. Stange thing is though... while the replacement body game with all the necessary screws none of them seemed to fit properly. they looked exactly like the originals but I couldn't use any of them.
I also had a screen protector laying around for a while and figured I'd finally apply it but man... is it even humanly possible to apply screen protectors without getting at least some particles of dust/fibers under it or what? just as well, the indent around the screen on the 2000 model has prevented the protector from sticking properly around the edges anyway.
>> No. 13862 [Edit]
File 159888312870.gif - (900.24KB , 255x144 , 20200830.gif )
PSP Emu time
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