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File 160375667491.jpg - (104.76KB , 500x344 , 845ba2341fca6f9949f7d1c87d42f173.jpg )
14043 No. 14043 [Edit]
How many of you are bad at video games? Does this affect your enjoyment of them? Are there any you like to play even though you're bad at them? Are there any you like to play that fit better within your skill level? Are there any you're somehow good at despite your lack of skill? qq about it here.
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>> No. 14044 [Edit]
I wouldn't say I'm bad at them, but I wouldn't say I'm particular good either. I play everything on normal mode and just find ways of making it easier. Sometimes I do what I call "bitch tactics", where in I abuse game mechanics, landscapes, and bugs. For example, making my way onto/into a spot on the map enemies can't hurt me and attacking them from there. Or attacking an enemy, running away, waiting for it to go back to what it was doing, then attack it again to chip off hp till it's dead.

Post edited on 26th Oct 2020, 8:54pm
>> No. 14045 [Edit]
I play Ys on normal difficulty. Enough said, sadly.
>> No. 14057 [Edit]
I more enjoy the customization aspect and storytelling of gaming.
>> No. 14073 [Edit]
I sometimes get stuck at the character creation part of the game for waaay too long.
>> No. 14078 [Edit]
Same, I also restarted NIoh 2 several times because the character was not the perfect way I wanted it, it's even more ridiculous as you can change the character afterwards but I felt that was fake and like plastic surgery so I would just restart the game again.
>> No. 14079 [Edit]
File 160534045312.jpg - (893.13KB , 3840x2160 , CODE VEIN_20200426185511.jpg )
Sometimes I feel character creation is the actual game and what I play later is just some accessory to complement the photo mode.

That's the kind of autistic behavior I can easily identify with.

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