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File 160176765427.jpg - (7.59KB , 178x252 , nz.jpg )
13953 No. 13953 [Edit]
Not just horror games but ones with dark themes. What scares you?
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>> No. 13954 [Edit]
Games with online play and human interaction scare me more than anything in any horror game.
>> No. 13957 [Edit]
Jumpscares have destroyed me before. More than anything disturbing. Probably because of the desensitization.
>> No. 13958 [Edit]
I like games with an atmosphere of dread and fear of death. RE2 is my favourite in this regard.
>> No. 13959 [Edit]
Do NTR games count?
>> No. 13960 [Edit]
Yes. Even stuff like guro is less frightening than some NTR.
>> No. 13973 [Edit]
File 160249494393.png - (71.83KB , 382x382 , FIGHTDuelGoukiArt.png )
Demons scare me.
>> No. 13976 [Edit]
>> No. 13983 [Edit]
speaking of ntr, I don't know how to feel about rpg maker hentai getting on steam
>> No. 13984 [Edit]
Stop using steam.
>> No. 13988 [Edit]
What, should I use GoG?
>> No. 13989 [Edit]
Buy games directly from the makers/publishers. Or pirate them. "Distribution platforms" and "curation" are cancer.

Post edited on 15th Oct 2020, 7:08am
>> No. 13990 [Edit]
Is steam really curated if RPG Maker hentai is being sold?
>> No. 13991 [Edit]
YES. It's "curated".
>> No. 13992 [Edit]
File 160277464538.png - (74.14KB , 188x387 , BJFL1193.png )
It's kind of funny that that kind of stuff is banned but fucking NTR MC torture porn made it through.
And I agree about storefronts generally being bad but I sometimes buy doujin games through DLSite to support the creator.
>> No. 13993 [Edit]
Western culture has some pretty fucked up views on what's right and wrong.
>> No. 13994 [Edit]
As far as I know, DLSite has a better trackrecord. I hope a direct exchange becomes more common.

Post edited on 15th Oct 2020, 8:16am
>> No. 14075 [Edit]
imo Resident Evil is a better name than BioHazard.

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