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File 154431386110.jpg - (238.19KB , 1280x720 , 1511087963025.jpg )
13338 No. 13338 [Edit]
Company of Heros 2 is free on steam for the next two days
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>> No. 13367 [Edit]
I actually grabbed this entire series for free. I assume im missing addons but im not concerned about that, does anyone here enjoy this series? My backlog has sucked a lot of excitement out of trying new games so I still haven't tried it, do the games run on an absolute toaster and is it accessible?
>> No. 13368 [Edit]
I didn't really like it. I much prefer Men of War. It's too gamey and unrealistic.
>> No. 13782 [Edit]
File 158949012241.jpg - (665.40KB , 800x900 , __shameimaru_aya_inubashiri_momiji_and_himekaidou_.jpg )
GTA5 is free to grab on epic game store till 21/05.
>> No. 13783 [Edit]
>epic game store
God dammit.
>> No. 13784 [Edit]
I'd like to remind you that every game is free on TPB et al.
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