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File 157742255754.jpg - (119.82KB , 810x456 , 541348c.jpg )
13717 No. 13717 [Edit]
What gamepads do you guys like to use?
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>> No. 13718 [Edit]
My favorite ever is probably N64, but for practical use, original, wired xbox is best.
>> No. 13719 [Edit]
Playstation 2. Recently bought a steam controller to try out but I have a feeling I won't like it that much.
>> No. 13720 [Edit]
I like the switch pro controller, though I wish it was more compatible with PC games. I have to use some strange workarounds to use it. Recently I bought a Saturn-type controller to play 6-button games so I look forward to seeing how that will turn out.
>> No. 13721 [Edit]
File 157747927255.jpg - (18.84KB , 500x497 , s-l1000.jpg )
pic related and the gamecube controller
>> No. 13754 [Edit]
File 158394661529.jpg - (496.99KB , 2000x2000 , BlackWirelessGameRemoteControllerforMicrosoftXbox3.jpg )
I remember well, how I thought "wow, a gamepad can be this pleasing to the hands?", when I used an xbox360 controller for the first time.

PS2 is just not meant to be held with big hands and original xbox is clunky and hurts after a while.
>> No. 13789 [Edit]
I own the PS4, Xbox One and Switch Pro controller.
At the moment the PS4 controller is my favourite one for most games. The Xbox One controller is nice for racing games because it has rumble build into the triggers and they kinda feel better as gas than the PS4 ones.
The Switch Pro controller is nice but doesn't even have analogue triggers.
I like the layout of the PS4 controller with the two thumb stick on the same hight the most and the PS5 controller looks very promising in my eyes.
I can't really recommend any controllers because hands are different, you have to try them.
>> No. 13847 [Edit]
File 159747890674.jpg - (38.65KB , 500x333 , 20200809.jpg )
Nintendo Super Famicon controller
>> No. 13872 [Edit]
I like to use a DS4 as someone who is very used to playstation, but like the Swich controllers they seem to have planed obsolescence(or a design flaw) built into the analog sticks, which causes them to drift to one direction or another more and more until it's completely stuck in that direction. I've repaired them a bunch of times now on a dozen or so controllers (I've purchased controllers with this problem specifically to repair and resell them.). If it wasn't for that I'd have no complaints about them at all. Interesting thing about them that I haven't seen much mention of online, is that while V1 DS4 need an adapter to work wireless with windows over Bluetooth, the V2 PS4 controllers connect and work perfectly pretty much out of the box.
>> No. 13945 [Edit]
Planned obsolescence is illegal in almost all developed countries.
>> No. 13946 [Edit]
Considering the mad-dash over PS5 pre-orders, I don't think it really is in practice is it?
>> No. 13947 [Edit]
Tell that to phone manufactures.
>> No. 13951 [Edit]
Legality to a corporation is just a fine that gets added to their list of businesses expenses.
>> No. 14032 [Edit]
You can believe it's a grand conspiracy to rob you of a few dollars or know that it's simply due to shitty Chinese manufacturing.

I don't know what it is with dumbfuck poorfags and believing everything in life is a grand ploy to deprive them of monetary gain.
>> No. 14033 [Edit]
Who said it's a conspiracy? That's the whole point of a corporation.
>> No. 14034 [Edit]
I don't know what it is with dumbfuck richfags and believing everything in life is perfect just because they've never been deprived of basic human needs.
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