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File 170264568115.png - (9.54MB , 3142x3150 , __ichijou_hotaru_koshigaya_komari_miyauchi_renge_k.png )
42045 No. 42045 [Edit]
So I was wondering if a book could inspire feelings of moe and comfort just like manga and anime do. I'm talking about slice of life stories made purely for the sake of it. Books like Anne of Green Gables or Heidi aren't exactly moe, but they have this slice of life/comfort element I would like to achieve on prose. Think of it as a written version of K-On! or Non Non Biyori, something both moe and comfortable. Not only a slice of life but also something cute, something moe. I tried writing a really short story using what I consider to be a moe style. This text was originally written in Spanish and I translated it to English for the sake of sharing it here. Please forgive whatever typo or grammar error there might be and let me know if you like it and if you would consider it as moe.

«Cicadas sing in the distance as we get closer to the cottage. It's just my mother and me in the family car. The landscape presents itself elegantly bathed in sunlight. I've put on a white sunhat . I think I look cute wearing it. It's going to be a hot day, I can feel it. Mom smiles at me, and I smile back. It doesn't take long for us to arrive. Our plot among the mountains invite us to enjoy ourselves and all the nature around us. I think my grandma planted tomatoes in the garden. I think next year we'll plant watermelons.

It doesn't take long for Alice to pay me a visit. She shows up unannounced, as usual, and asked if I wanted to hang out with her at the lookout point. Of course I say yes. We hop on our bikes and head up to the old dirt pathways offered to us by the hills.

"Watch out for the stones on the path!" I tried to warn my dear friend, but it was too late; she had already fallen.

I offer her help to get up. She looks at me like a scared puppy, with teary eyes, and apologizes for the trouble. I place a hand on her shoulder and try to cheer her up. Once her sorrows dried up, we continue on our way.

It wasn't hard for us to reach the summit. From there, you can see everything. My grandma's cottage, the village with its red rooftops and belfry, the birch forest... I wanted to take a photo, but I left my camera at home. I think my friend noticed and burst into laughter. I smile at her and start laughing too.»
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>> No. 42047 [Edit]
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I'm gonna summon my inner snob here and tell you just because something is written fiction, that doesn't make it literature™. What you are proposing is a form of fiction de genre. DO NOT MAKE THAT MISTAKE AGAIN.
>> No. 42048 [Edit]
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Ok, so do you like my totally-not-literature text? Do you consider it moe? Can moe be achieved through written text?

Post edited on 15th Dec 2023, 9:56am
>> No. 42049 [Edit]
It's alright. Kind of borders on parody. Moe tends to be reliant on visuals though, so I think being in written form doesn't benefit it in any way. Imagine you've never seen a CGDCT anime and read that. Your reaction would probably be bewilderment. "Why are these characters acting so unnaturally"? "What is the point of this story"? Cute visuals tell you what it's all about.

Alice's personality also feels inconsistent. Is she the sensitive type, or the boisterous type?

Post edited on 15th Dec 2023, 10:47am
>> No. 42050 [Edit]
There's probably a reason that most CGDCT tends to be 4koma/manga as opposed to light novel. It's just not very plot heavy.

I'd be interested in a comparison between the LN and manga versions of e.g. ImoSae though. Although it's not really a cgdct show, I think comparing the two would show what exactly is missing when you convert from one medium to another, or what content is best suited for one medium.
>> No. 42052 [Edit]
I remember hearing in school about how while the Roman Empire was collapsing, writers of the time would escape the dread by writing about farmers living in idyllic places who would live their days singing praise of life and the beauty around them, with no plot or anything. Moe in a way can be considered the evolution of that, just that instead of farmers we have CGDCT.

Your text is nice. I would add more focus on details to give more life to the feeling you want to transmit, like the moe visuals that we all know and love.
>> No. 42056 [Edit]
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>Cute visuals tell you what it's all about
Yeah I agree visuals are better at capturing the moe esence.
>Alice's personality also feels inconsistent. Is she the sensitive type, or the boisterous type?
Honestly didn't think much about it, just made her up according to what was needed. Maybe if I choose a set of character archetypes like they do in manga/anime it could be more coherent.
Are there CGDCT light novels? As in, only slice of life of cute little girls with little to no plot.
>Moe in a way can be considered the evolution of that, just that instead of farmers we have CGDCT
Yeah I absolutely agree.
>I would add more focus on details to give more life to the feeling you want to transmit, like the moe visuals that we all know and love
Thanks for the tip, I tried to add as little detail as possible to not over-saturate the text, but it's true that with little to no details it feels a bit shallow. So I will add more details and more focus on the cuteness next time.
>> No. 42057 [Edit]
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>Are there CGDCT light novels? As in, only slice of life of cute little girls with little to no plot.[]=52

All either manga side stories, or alternative versions of a manga.

Post edited on 18th Dec 2023, 12:15am
>> No. 42064 [Edit]
File 170318079613.jpg - (243.31KB , 1600x805 , s-l1600.jpg )
it's neither moe nor slice-of-life but there's a novel version of shinsekai yori i'd like to read but apparently there's only a fan translation and not physical media
>> No. 42070 [Edit]
You're probably aware of these errors, but you use very inconsistent tense in you writing.
Allow me to show you.

>She shows up unannounced, as usual, and asked if I wanted to hang out with her at the lookout point.
You begin the sentence with present tense but the second part of the sentence uses past tense. This really throws off the mood of the story.
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