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File 148351454794.jpg - (118.48KB , 648x677 , d7f228054b2d44b13265ccf936d9e485.jpg )
29816 No. 29816 [Edit]
How often do you bathe, /ot/? What about shaving? Do you fit into the stereotype that suggests NEETs and hikikomori have poor personal hygiene?
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>> No. 29817 [Edit]
I shower 5-6 times a week but never bathe, and I shave once every 2-3 days as need be. I managed to land myself a decent job and don't want personal hygiene to screw it up, although I already worry about it sometimes. Before I got this job I'd shower around 3-4 times per week, ans shave every 4-5 days.
>> No. 29818 [Edit]
wow she's all glossy & shiny
>> No. 29822 [Edit]
I'm not sure if it's unfortunate or not, but I usually take one once a week. It's not that I don't want to, I mean, I could take one at most times if I feel like it, but I just can't get myself to care enough to take one all of the time. The fact that I do most of nothing kind of helps in me being a bit cleaner a tad bit longer,but I'm sure that that's just an excuse.
>> No. 29824 [Edit]
I shower every day (first thing I do when I get out of bed), but I don't shave my beard for as long as six months or so.
>> No. 29825 [Edit]
I try to shower every day, key word try. Realistically that usually means every few days, unless I've done anything sweaty I won't smell unless I've really gone a while.

I'm a lot better about shaving and brushing my teeth. I get toothaches if I let them go. Shaving I like my shitty beard kept clean. Let it go and it gets in the way when you eat.
>> No. 29830 [Edit]
Every day, sometimes twice in the same day. I put the water as hot as it will go and I scrub and scrub and scrub with my fingernails until I'm hurt and bleeding but no matter how much flesh comes off I'm still in this disgusting filthy body
>> No. 29831 [Edit]
how do i keep my laptop clean?

maybe you hygenically-minded guys can help me with this.
>> No. 29834 [Edit]
Twice a week, if I have to go out. Otherwise, once a week or a copule of weeks.

I don not shave, but trim my beard short.

I guess I'm somewhat of a grunge/hobo type.
>> No. 29835 [Edit]
I found rubbing some after-shave on places that get too dirty, like behind the ears, helps a lot.
Guessing any alcohol will do.
>> No. 29836 [Edit]
I shower every day and feel like filth on the occasions that I fail to.
I never bathe though; sitting in the same water as your anus and the very slime you're trying to get off seems counterintuitive to me.
I try to shave every day but it's easy to forget. I trim down my body hair every couple months.
>> No. 29843 [Edit]
I would like to use this opportunity to express my fascination with OP pic. Gosh that pictures sure is nice, isn't it?
>> No. 30354 [Edit]
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twice a day

i sometimes think some normals only bathe once a day and the idea that they do that is disgusting but it explains how they sometimes smell bad

i just hope they do it in the morning instead of at night so i dont have to smeell their putrid existence
>> No. 30360 [Edit]
in the summer i shower everyday. i don't like being sweaty and icky
>> No. 30407 [Edit]
How can you fight in the NEET uprising if you're too busy in the bathroom?
>> No. 30408 [Edit]
I hate feeling dirty, greasy, etc so I shower everyday. I wash my hair every other day, and shave about once or twice a week, as I also dislike the feeling of facial hair.

I think you are supposed to shower or at least have a quick rinse before entering the bath, but it seems no one does this.
>> No. 30409 [Edit]
In Area 11 it's common practice to shower off before entering the bath, and that's why family members will share the same bath water. I've never heard of anyone doing this in America though.
>> No. 30455 [Edit]
her tits are practically falling out of her shirt and she doesn't even notice
>> No. 30456 [Edit]
she does notice, she wants onii-chan to see
>> No. 30457 [Edit]
I'd say that's a good thing.
>> No. 30458 [Edit]
Any girl so innocent and built like that gotta be named Lucille
>> No. 30515 [Edit]
I feel very uncomfortable when I'm dirty. I shower every day, trim facial hair regularly, brush teeth, clean ears, fresh clothes every day all that shit and I still stink. For some reason I can smell my weird fucking genitals all the time. I don't get it.
Haven't slept a long time and for some reason this cracks me up but really it's pretty disgusting and annoying, I don't know what to do anymore.
>> No. 30517 [Edit]
Is it possible you're showering "wrong"? Alternatively, why not go to a doctor about it? You might have a fungal infection, which usually showering doesn't delete.
>> No. 30523 [Edit]
I barely even shower. Maybe once every two weeks at most.
>> No. 32801 [Edit]
File 15643984142.jpg - (178.51KB , 800x1317 , 2018WPi.jpg )
Shower everyday.
>> No. 32939 [Edit]
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Always at night
>> No. 32942 [Edit]
Her hair looks all greasy and messed up, I bet shes disgusting, those panties probably have horrid shit stains on the inside.
>> No. 32946 [Edit]
That's why she needs a loving boyfriend to fix her up.
>> No. 32952 [Edit]
I feel like this should be a feel good manga but it probably isn’t.
>> No. 32970 [Edit]
>How often do you bathe, /ot/?
I am a massive clean freak and take a shower at least once a day, there have been quite a few times where I have taken two showers in one day (taking less time with the second one of course, don't want to dry out my skin). I even wash my hands constantly and almost obsessively, especially when I go out in public and have to touch a lot of items and such. I wash my hands especially hard after touching door knobs, which I try not to do, but sometimes I can't help it, or I just do it on instinct.
>What about shaving?
That's a different story. I've gone without shaving for an entire month. The only problem is, my facial hair grows fast, and I end up with a pretty thick beard if I go even a week without shaving. So I have to shave quite literally every day, and that is why I don't like to do it because it gets to be a pain in the ass. But I also hate to have facial hair because it is insanely itchy. Ugh, what a chore.
That might be the reason OP picked it.
>> No. 32979 [Edit]
I shower every second day and shave every morning.
>> No. 33037 [Edit]
File 156620786478.jpg - (32.72KB , 445x350 , ly.jpg )
Showering in winter is too cold..
>> No. 42166 [Edit]
Twice a week at the most but at least once a week.
>> No. 42191 [Edit]
much like a handful of other anons in the thread, i feel all gross and itchy if i don't shower at least once a day. i also *shave (read: use hair removal cream on my face because nobody taught me how to shave) once every 1 or 2 months because i hate having facial hair. it gets thick enough to where i can see it, but not thick enough to where i can actually say i have a beard/moustache, it's so awkward...
i can't wait for the day i'm finally able to just laser all the hair off of my body from the eyebrows down, i hate body hair in general.
>> No. 42210 [Edit]
File 170528943685.jpg - (705.64KB , 4096x2087 , GA3pHIsWwAEVqBM.jpg )
>also *shave (read: use hair removal cream on my face because nobody taught me how to shave) once every 1 or 2 months because i hate having facial hair.
It takes you 1 to 2 months to grow facial hair after shaving/removing it?
>> No. 42212 [Edit]
it takes about that long for my facial hair to become super noticeable, yeah.
is that odd?
>> No. 42213 [Edit]
I would say it is a bit odd since back then when I had a job you were expected to have smooth skin that meant shaving daily for me. You could get away with a few days, but not more, it was certainly noticeable even after just 2 days or so. But then again, I don't think there's anything "normal" or "default" about hair in any case. Good for you actually. Less things to do that are not more than an annoying bother anyway.
>> No. 42214 [Edit]
I'd say that's very odd, unless our definitions of what constitutes beard, thick and noticeable are very different. For me I'd say it takes around 2 or 3 days for it to get to that point. One month or two is already a full grown beard. However there should be noted that you use hair removal cream(Nair?) and that works differently than a shaving razor or an electric razor. I've never use creams but from what I know hair takes longer to grow with them. I used wax once and it took much longer for it to grow back, but I was a teen and I wouldn't recommend wax as I find it too bothersome.
You should consider yourself lucky in this case, in another universe you could be shaving every day.
>> No. 42216 [Edit]
part of taking care of yourself is mantaining a basic level of hygiene. some were never taught hygienic habits as kids or lost them due to self-neglect and/or laziness. Not proud to say that I forget doing them sometimes. Feeling good about yourself and societal shaming are the biggest incentives to mantain them, in my opinion. I refuse going outside or see people outside of my immediate family when I haven't showered in 2 days (even not having showered after a day is awful).
My brother grows hair slowly like that while I'm more hairy and can grow an awful looking small goatee and neckbeard in 1 or 2 weeks. Biological differences, I guess.
I don't like body hair either, it's one of those things that makes hygiene take longer and makes you look older.
>> No. 42219 [Edit]
This is tangentially related. How do you guys manage and keep your room?

Me, I can barely keep it clean for more than a few days. Then the dishes start piling up, the clothes that I take from the laundry and intend to put away in my cupboard end up on my bed. Random crap from around my room ends up in even more random but annoying places. I've struggled my whole life with this.

I'm guessing it's a matter of being lazy.
>> No. 42221 [Edit]
I started to apply "minimalism" to my life and everything and threw out all things that were more or less unnecessary. Including many of my clothes and furniture and kitchen tools. Kinda like how traditional japanese homes used to be. Then its lot easier to clean up. Before that the mess just kept accumulating and i did not have the energy to clean up so it was always mess.
>> No. 42224 [Edit]
I almost never eat in my room and keep clothing I intend to wear tomorrow on my office chair.
>> No. 42228 [Edit]
This is probably sound, but most of my clothes are various t-shirts such as band shirts and merchandise shirts, so it would be a big waste of money to get rid of them.

I feel like most of the things in my room aren't too much of a problem unless they're disposable. For example, the things cluttering my desk at this very moment are: A compressed air can.
Three cups (one for tea, one for chocolate drink, one for water)
Coffee pot
Bottle of melatonin pills
A few pieces of rubbish
Nintendo Switch

Honestly the list goes on...
I think I should just do a better job of putting away permanent objects like cups and put things like pills and computer stuff in a different section of my room. This is hard stuff to manage.
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