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File 148062549128.gif - (175.92KB , 600x413 , FC58-TDF-KJ-Sukeban3-01.gif )
29712 No. 29712 [Edit]
For me it's this.
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>> No. 29714 [Edit]
File 148067017758.jpg - (340.09KB , 850x1200 , 0d002524da572cd518744131843c700a.jpg )
I'm fond of these types myself.
uniforms which use simple white dress shirts, a small modest ribbon, mary janes, and a dark skirt, but preferably use a jumper dress. Those styles of uniform also sometimes include suspenders, but I'm so-so about those.
>> No. 29715 [Edit]
File 148067462860.png - (539.24KB , 1280x738 , anime screencap2016-11-29-02h36m25s324.png )
appropriate length
>> No. 29716 [Edit]
File 148070614312.jpg - (221.67KB , 850x1084 , __busujima_saeko_highschool_of_the_dead_drawn_by_a.jpg )
i'm a fan of the more conservative/'sukeban' style. off the top of my head i can only think of saeko from hotd as an example of this but there are more.

i prefer the dark blue ones though.

there's just something about them, especially with leggings. leggings are a must.
>> No. 29717 [Edit]
File 148071685789.jpg - (203.75KB , 1024x768 , 3ab23d570d617604ce6d50c2e979def7.jpg )
Beat me to it, opened the thread in a new tab to post it, then I forgot about it for a couple of hours, heh. Long skirts are really good.

This is very nice, too.
>> No. 29724 [Edit]
Dark blue
The top part is short and the skirt is calf-length
white trim and bow and ankle socks or black stockings with loafers
>> No. 35390 [Edit]
Oarai Girls High's Se-la-fuku
>> No. 35391 [Edit]
File 159332383689.jpg - (126.07KB , 850x678 , 20200628.jpg )
White & Green.
>> No. 42118 [Edit]
File 170367470467.jpg - (96.60KB , 850x679 , 20231228.jpg )
I like this one.
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