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File 148132913292.gif - (2.31MB , 540x360 , 1481235423479.gif )
29736 No. 29736 [Edit]
What is this website about?
Where did it start? Is this a chan specifically for NEETs?... isn't 4chan the same thing? Please explain
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>> No. 29737 [Edit]
4chan might have been a place for NEETs at some point, but in that time it's become a place for normalfags.
>> No. 29739 [Edit]
File 14813345413.jpg - (23.59KB , 550x606 , relevant.jpg )
Oh thanks another 4chan metathread.
There wasn't one on the front page already and I'm pretty sure thats a violation of board rules.

OP, Have a look around this site & you'll see what its all about, thats what lurking is all about.
>> No. 29742 [Edit]
4chan started as a place for students, consideration was never given to NEETs until much later when they were bordered out.
>> No. 29743 [Edit]
File 148143561327.gif - (1.34MB , 540x406 , gunbuster train.gif )
You may be new but you have excellent taste. Christina and Mikimoto girls in general are some of the best.

As >>29739 states, just lurk.
>> No. 29746 [Edit]
niggertits started as a place for people to share porn without risking $10 on every post. students like yourself are the most inherently boring and garrulous people on the internet, its a horrid combination of characteristics, mixing in the by-definition lack of education only makes it worse. almost everything you've read on ED or kym or twitter are comical lies made up by people who would rather not share the truth.
please stop making posts on the internet outside 4chumps
>> No. 29747 [Edit]
>mixing in the by-definition lack of education only makes it worse.
students are some of the most boring people on the internet. They have little of interest to say because their entire lives revolve around studying and they don't do much else. No one gives a shit if you're stressed over finals or your teacher is an asshole, we've heard it a million times before.
>> No. 29748 [Edit]
>They have little of interest to say because their entire lives revolve around studying and they don't do much else.
That's not true! They also get shitfaced, have sex with other shitfaced students, and play 'armchair politician' on shitty social media websites (even if every one of them has the *exact same* regurgitated political views).
>> No. 29750 [Edit]
You forgot "armchair psychologist" as well.

But anyway; nothing wrong with studying per se. And we are all generalizing.
>> No. 40327 [Edit]
It's a neat place
>> No. 40337 [Edit]
Yes, I know this is an old thread. I'd just like to confirm my understanding of TC's history. I figure it's fine seeing as this dead thread got bumped.
>What is this website about?
It's an alternative to /a/, but includes other boards related to otaku interests. One thing that sets it apart is /mai/ the waifu board. Other than that it has unique, but effective, rules in place to limit posts made in bad faith.
>Is this a chan specifically for NEETs?
Not necessarily. I think you'll find Tohno-chan to be more accepting than most imageboard communities. So long as you post on-topic or in the case of those less focused boards, something interesting; you may very well get a thought out reply. I think even Tohno himself wasn't a NEET at the time.
>Where did it start?
It started with Tohno, an /a/ tripfag, in 2009 I believe. He wanted a better place to discuss his interests. You may consider looking into gaiafags from then and before.
>isn't 4chan the same thing?
4chan was never intended to be what it's become. Or perhaps, it has in some horrible way. Regardless, I find TC a much more enjoyable place to post. You'd be hard-pressed to find a place with a comparable ratio thought out posts and replies in both the off-topic board, as well as the more focused boards.

Forgive me for any foolish mistakes.
>> No. 40339 [Edit]
>understanding of TC's history
Tohno himself can probably chime in about the history, but as for the current state that sounds about right to me.

>One thing that sets it apart is /mai/ the waifu board
Somewhat ironically /mai/ itself isn't really that active. I consider the community as the main thing that sets TC apart from the other /a/ clones, with posters who try to make quality posts (except for the post above yours... to me bumping a 6 year old thread for 4 empty words is a major faux paus). And having other boards other than /a/ is useful, because there's really not too much to discuss for most shows.

I also think this is only really possible because the board is in a sweet spot where it's small enough to limit the noise, but still has enough active posters to provide enough variety (or at least a small set of posters who have enough knowledge on a lot of topics).

>4chan was never intended to be what it's become
If I remember correctly it basically grew as an escape from strict moderation on somethingawful. Regardless, 4chan is too large for its own good at this point.
>> No. 40340 [Edit]
Close enough.
>He wanted a better place to discuss his interests.
I will say while this isn't wrong, it technically started out as a refuge from normalfags spamming and shitposting in waifu threads on /a/. Much like 4chan, in it's early days it was mostly just a hangout for a small number of people. In our case mostly waifufags and a number of tripfags. As the years went on it got something of a rep for being a really depressing site full of miserable people. I guess I had hoped to see it become more otaku centric in the face of ironic weebs taking over everything, where as instead it leaned more in the depressed and suicidal Hiki/neet direction.
Now though, while the waifu board and a few others are ghost towns, I'd say it's got a decent balance going for it never the less.

As for being a NEET, I've done it on and off. If I remember correctly I don't 'think' I was a NEET at the time of starting TC, but have been for much of it's life. Heck, I was one up until a month ago. It's neat being a NEET, but all those figures won't pay for themselves.
>> No. 40342 [Edit]
>Somewhat ironically /mai/ itself isn't really that active.
Yes, but I believe /mai/ is what TC is known for from an outsiders' perspective. At the very least it sets the tone for the site as a whole. I wrote the initial post for a fictional outsider audience, which is why everything is phrased in an odd way.
>If I remember correctly it basically grew as an escape from strict moderation on somethingawful.
Huh, that would explain a lot. I never bothered to learn much about 4chan beyond /jp/ and even then, it's only because /jp/'s archives are fun to look through.

>it technically started out as a refuge from normalfags spamming and shitposting in waifu threads on /a/.
That isn't much of a surprise. Most sites seem to have similar starts.
>in it's early days it was mostly just a hangout for a small number of people.
I've noticed. It seems nice, but obviously I don't have the whole picture.
>I guess I had hoped to see it become more otaku centric in the face of ironic weebs taking over everything, where as instead it leaned more in the depressed and suicidal Hiki/neet direction.
The two go hand in hand, I think. Posting about everything you watch and consume would be a bit much, where as if you're feeling shitty and you have to talk about it, /so/ is ideal for the sort of person that ends up here.
>I'd say it's got a decent balance going for it never the less.
I agree. It's a great website.

Thanks for the insight.
>> No. 40343 [Edit]
What I remember from 2010 and before is things like NEETs weren't really talked about apart from stuff like hikikomori or otaku. (At least in the English-speaking places I was in.) So stuff like that was more suited to /jp/ or even /a/ back then than 4chan as a whole
>> No. 40344 [Edit]
>One thing that sets it apart is /mai/ the waifu board.
That and giving separate boards to anime and manga rather than making them share a board.
>> No. 42043 [Edit]
It's about the spirit of xmas....
>> No. 42046 [Edit]
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IIRC it was a part of /jp/ and /a/ on 4chan back around 2010. IRC was #waifu on Rizon and then Tohno made his own thing. Tohno-chan was an obscure imageboard during the 2010s but still well known about amongst imageboard dwellers that it showed up in memes on Encyclopedia Dramatica and wasn't completely unknown.

Today? I'm not sure where it stands. I'd be interested in hearing from Tohno about the actual traffic or even an official "state of tohno-chan address" desu
>> No. 42053 [Edit]
File 170270938624.png - (86.23KB , 452x102 , bachan.png )
We don't really monitor/track much, so I can't really say or tell you much more than you would already know. It certainly does seem a little more active lately compared to a year or two ago if nothing else.
Things have been fairly calm for a while now. might be jinxing it but we haven't had too many trouble makers, and the softwear is still holding together somehow. Things are unchanged with our server/host as well.
We haven't been advertising anywhere, and as far as I know I don't think we're listed anywhere.
I guess I feel like I could be doing more, both on the backend and the front end. With any luck, if/when I manage to go back to being a NEET I should have more time to do so.
Our IRC is still alive and well at least. It's got it's mix of old timers and new. Everyone's always welcome to join. It can be intimidating I know, but we don't judge new users or give them a hard time. Feel free to pop in and say hi, I'm pretty much always there and everyone's friendly.

oh and a couple weeks ago someone offered to buy the site. I'm not sure how serious they were, but as you can guess I didn't go for it. It's not really for sale (though I wouldn't mind finding someone to pass it onto I can trust, once I decide to go hang out with Reimu and Marisa).
Not really sure why anyone would want to buy it as it generates negative income and no company would ever want to place ads on it, that and you can't exactly expect a lot of donation money from a bunch of hikkiNEETs, still I doubt I'd sell it for less than a million bucks. well, even then I don't think I could do it.
I might not contribute as much as I should, and it might even look like I'm never around for weeks at a time, but that couldn't be further from the case. TC is my rock, my only true home I have to turn to. I've tried looking into other communities, and I can't for the life of me mesh into any of them. There's no need to bore you with the details as there's plenty of threads and discussions around the boards here detailing what a terrible place the internet has become for aging otaku. It's like a wasteland with nothing out there, It's depressing and frustrating, people like us aren't welcomed, and I think the people who come here know what I'm talking about.
If I abandon TC, not only would I not have a place to go, but many others might not either.
TC was originally used as a means of hiding from normies that invaded 4chan and would harass us waifu folk at every turn. Now the normies have taken over the internet. Places like this are dying out as the net becomes more modernized, more condensed into a handful of corporate owned data mines that discourage free independent thought and open discussion. I'd like to think we need places like this more than ever.

Not sure what else to say, so here's a banner I made recently but forgot to add into circulation.
>> No. 42072 [Edit]
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This has been my go-to image board for when I want to find a nice, slow place to have or read high-quality discussion for a few years now.

What I admire about Tohno-Chan is its no-nonsense policy. You can have a lot of fun here (it is abound with cute and entertaining posts) but it isn't just some playground for people to dump stupid stuff. Conversely, the rules that you do enforce seem to work well enough that it isn't constant "srs business" and so on.

I would miss this place if it shut down, so I hope that you can one day find a very worthy successor to pass it along to if you had need of that.

As for not being mentioned anywhere, the site is still listed on ED. Alongside Tea which they called "a faggy little site" which I thought was rather amusing. Have a Merry Christmas, Tohno.

My gift to you is the continuation of the small donation I have been giving for a year or so.

Post edited on 23rd Dec 2023, 3:12am
>> No. 42075 [Edit]
I don't get the point of /tea/ and other liveboards. It's basically a cliquey group chat, seems most of the posters recognize each other despite the anonymity. And you can't even edit your message before sending.
>> No. 42076 [Edit]
>Alongside Tea which they called "a faggy little site" which I thought was rather amusing.
>> No. 42082 [Edit]
Thanks. It's interesting to know we still have a tiny presence out there. I didn't mean to imply no one was donating anything, I do appreciate it.
>> No. 42083 [Edit]
Don't listen to this suspicious guy. tohno-chan has fallen. Billions must uguu.
>> No. 42087 [Edit]
I didn't feel that there was any implication about donations. I hesitated before adding anything about that because I didn't want it to come off as lame and fishing for compliments, so I just tried to make a little Christmas instead.
>> No. 42089 [Edit]
I think it's a fun idea in theory. I spent a little bit of time on /tea/, I would check it once a week or whatever and just post random stuff. But yes, it is very clearly a clique that knows each other, and that turned me off of it.

It feels inevitable because the userbase is small. If you could find something with 40-50 users instead of the (what feels like) 10 who use /tea/ regularly, it might be more tolerable.
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