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29106 No. 29106 [Edit]
So what's it gonna be?
>> No. 29107 [Edit]
the way i die.
university named after me.
free wifi wherever I go.
fulfill my biggest wish.
private island.
read minds.
$1 million amazon cards
best friends forever with my favorite celebrity.
free gas for 25 years.
be a ninja.
restart my life.
live the life of fame and wealth.
have the ability to see the future.
>> No. 29111 [Edit]
>Pick the year
(Never? If that's not an option; the way.)
>Free Apple products
(No man, hear me out. This means all the older stuff too right?(I fucking love old Macs) and I can pawn the shit I don't want and buy a WiFi stick. It's win-win.)
>Biggest wish
>Private island
>Read minds
>$1mil in Amazon
(That's like quadrupling the money because Amazon is cheap as fuck and with Prime that shit's like all free 2-hour delivery)
>Best friends
>Dream car
(Gas isn't that expensive, you don't drive everyday, dream cars are rare and this probably means you can't sell it)
(If I start out everything I know now, with what I'd have, why not right?)
>Fame and Wealth
>Ability to see future
(Read minds listed twice?)

>> No. 35919 [Edit]
I'm gonna live forever !
>> No. 42971 [Edit]
Pick the year I die
Have a university named after me
Have free wifi wherever I go
Resolve my biggest regret (10000% this. Besides I don't have any big wishes)
have my own private island
be able to travel at the speed of lights
have 100k in real money
best friend forever with my favorite celebrity
have free gas for 25 years
be a pirate
restart my life
live in harry potters world
have the ability to read minds
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