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30203 No. 30203 [Edit]
From the J-List newsletter: "One of the more refreshing aspects of Japan is the laissez faire attitude companies take to certain aspects of Japanese copyright, specifically "doujin" or fan-produced works such as ecchi doujinshi comics that explore improbable relationships between characters, or other kinds of non-official creative works like music remixes and soundtracks and, er, anime onaholes. In the decades since the first Comiket in 1975, an odd tradition of allowing free use of copyrighted works has grown up, due to the fact that virtually every industry artist got his or her start making doujinshi, and the reality that every modern anime needs a healthy "ecosystem" of doujin artists in order to make a mark with fandom. When studios went to remake the venerable 1974 Space Battleship Yamato franchise, they understood the need to engage fans from several angles, including adding in fan-service and encouraging creators to make fanart using the characters. But now an animation studio is trying to stop these creative works: the owners of Love Live are asking doujin circles and shops to completely stop distributing products featuring their characters, citing Japanese copyright rules. Since Bandai also tried (and failed) to use Japanese copyright to ban Pokemon doujin works back in the day, I'm sure this new development won't affect things much, but it is kind of a disappointment."

I'm glad I never watched Love Live, nor bought any merchandise. Never will, now, either, and will inform others of why. I'll definitely never watch this anime, nor read its manga, ever.... considering how much money I spend on merchandise, they might regret it if this is a frequent opinion of people. Just, go away. Just, please go bankrupt, you fuckers... =_=
>> No. 30205 [Edit]
They do have copyrights. What is the point of the law if people can choose which to obey?
Have you considered their position fairly?

And one person does not, no matter how rich, matter to them.
>> No. 30209 [Edit]
We're gonna be seeing a flood of very violent gory Love Live rape doujin, I can feel it.
>> No. 30215 [Edit]

Sounds good to me. ^^ That's certainly something good to come out of this. Yes; let's be optimistic about this current news.
>> No. 30217 [Edit]
>One of the more refreshing aspects of Japan is the laissez faire attitude companies take to certain aspects of Japanese copyright

thats not unique to japan at all, there is fan fiction for sale of every single popular anything ever, 2d, 3d, slanteyed or round

love live is a shit franchise and i'm glad that it's fans are forced to suffer further, hopefully bandai will lure them all to a deserted pacific island and murder the lot as a preemptive copyright protection maneuver.
>> No. 30218 [Edit]
>love live is a shit franchise
What makes you say that?
>> No. 30219 [Edit]
>there is fan fiction for sale of every single popular anything ever
It is referring to the legal sale of copyrighted intellectual property at events such as natsucomi. There is no Western equivilent; you cannot legally profit from fan-fiction of intellectual property for which you have not obtained the rights to, and therefore there is no market event for sales of such items.
>> No. 30247 [Edit]
I wonder if this is something the people working on the show support or not. It seems like the kind of decision that would come from higher-ups in the corporate ladder who are concerned about the "image" of their franchise. And why Love Live in particular? They own Idolmaster too but they aren't they trying to crack down on doujin works there?
>> No. 30248 [Edit]
You cant legally create fan-fiction. profit or not. Japan or west. But companies allow it, mostly
>> No. 35627 [Edit]
USA copyright caused this indirectly. When your copyright term is your life-time plus 50years, it's not sounding "temporary".
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