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File 146648498097.jpg - (202.49KB , 818x913 , 5b0b106b6cc2235a3b3c1b92b992036d.jpg )
29166 No. 29166 [Edit]
If you could have any one supernatural ability or 'superpower' (barring omnipotence), what would you choose?
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>> No. 29167 [Edit]
manipulate time at will. How can you top being able to stop undo every mistake, or have unlimited do overs for every event in life?
>> No. 29169 [Edit]
>> No. 29170 [Edit]
Definitely a solid choice, as long as you avoid creating any temporal paradoxes.

I'd be just as apt to choose simple invisibility too, though.
>> No. 29171 [Edit]
That is pretty good, but my choice would be to be able to venture into the Astral and Mental Realms at will, for as long as I want.
>> No. 29172 [Edit]
File 146658141449.jpg - (402.10KB , 800x800 , Koishi 035.jpg )
Mind control, obviously.
>> No. 30156 [Edit]
The ability to manipulate gravity would be great, although it's practically omnipotent because gravity is the main force that runs the universe and manipulating it would give you control over time, space, and even possibly other dimensions.
>> No. 35624 [Edit]
>> No. 35629 [Edit]
>I'd be just as apt to choose simple invisibility
What would you even do with that, other than steal things?
>> No. 35630 [Edit]
File 159697482629.png - (471.29KB , 1200x1200 , Touhou Rumia 153.png )
I would pick flight. It's convenient and I think it would be quite fun. Not just flying itself but flying of your own power would give you a kind of control, view and perspective that any other flight would be hard to provide.
>> No. 35788 [Edit]
File 159865925713.jpg - (26.02KB , 500x375 , 20200823.jpg )
Conjure coffee anywhere anytime. LOL.
>> No. 35808 [Edit]
You mean having a boner all the time?

I don't know man, seems pretty annoying.
>> No. 35809 [Edit]
Sounds like just being a teenager.
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