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File 147738374728.png - (207.35KB , 640x480 , classic anime screencap2014-11-20-00h34m22s95.png )
29622 No. 29622 [Edit]
whats the best country to move to if you just want to live off welfare and lurk the internet?
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>> No. 29623 [Edit]
None, considering in most, if not all, of these countries, you need to have nationality to apply for NEETbux. The alternative is to go to Germany, Netherlands, Belgium or Sweden, burn your passport and then claim you're a refugee or something equally stupid.
>> No. 29624 [Edit]
I had a recurring fantasy of going to North Korea to seek asylum from the trappings of life in the west. Of course, they would probably either always suspect me or execute me on the spot, and North Korea has it's own problems. Why would they support me? They don't even feed their own citizens. Still, it's nice to think about before bed.
>> No. 29625 [Edit]
File 147753590037.jpg - (64.08KB , 1280x720 , 143778583361.jpg )
Argentina. Say you are paraguayan or bolivian and you'll have right to get citizenship and wellfare.
>> No. 35626 [Edit]
>> No. 35628 [Edit]
The problem seems to be that every country with welfare is going to make you work for it, you don't get it for nothing it's support while they make you get into the work force. I have to spend half the year doing ridiculous things like volunteer work or courses and if they find me a Job I can't refuse it.
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