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File 166502662124.jpg - (291.27KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Do It Yourself!! - 01 (1080p) [866CF3.jpg )
36568 No. 36568 [Edit]
I dunno about you guys, but this has been one of my most anticipated anime.
35 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 36698 [Edit]
File 16669986172.jpg - (318.61KB , 1920x1080 , [YuiSubs] Do It Yourself!! - 04 (x265 H_265 1080p.jpg )
>> No. 36706 [Edit]
File 166702924176.webm - (2.06MB , 1664152124693.webm )
Nice intro
>> No. 36708 [Edit]
File 166702967723.png - (805.50KB , 1400x956 , unknown.png )
>> No. 36740 [Edit]
File 166768974267.jpg - (228.80KB , 1920x1080 , [YuiSubs] Do It Yourself!! - 05 (x265 H_265 1080p.jpg )
Yes, I felt the same, it's not just the artwork style, something about the character personalities as well. Papika = Serufu, Miku = Cocona, Kokoro = Yayaka? Well at least the tehepero lick is out of the way.
>> No. 36741 [Edit]
File 16676905133.jpg - (291.15KB , 1920x1080 , [YuiSubs] Do It Yourself!! - 05 (x265 H_265 1080p.jpg )
I assume this is a reference to amex black card (or the mastercard equivalent?) Impressive.
>> No. 36742 [Edit]
>Miku = Cocona
So she doesn't have a personality?
>> No. 36743 [Edit]
More like she's still in the middle of deciding who she wants to be. Which I think does fit with what we see, she wants to be with Yua in the club but can't bring herself to admit it for some reason. She's also not the type to openly express her feelings, so comes off as cold. There's clear parallels to Cocona there. I think Yayaka could be Kokoro+Jobko together or something, in that they help bridge the gap between the Yua/Suredecchi.

Although I don't really think things extend beyond that, and as such the parallel to FliFla isn't really stronger than the archetype of a general Tsundere personality coupled with "wingman" friends.

Post edited on 5th Nov 2022, 5:12pm
>> No. 36753 [Edit]
File 166802708619.png - (1.06MB , 1280x720 , vlcsnap-2022-11-09-14h37m05s695.png )
DIY club is full of flashing perverts.
>> No. 36754 [Edit]
Pudding is a bitch.
>> No. 36756 [Edit]
The harsher the tsun, the softer the dere?
>> No. 36757 [Edit]
Is that what it is? It's not the first time I've seen rich characters in anime brag(passively) about having a "black card". I couldn't pretend to understand it.
>> No. 36758 [Edit]
File 166805891179.jpg - (278.22KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Do It Yourself!! - 05 (1080p) [E9090D.jpg )
Wait a minute, she's Indian? how is it we can understand what she's saying?
>> No. 36760 [Edit]
It's a bit ambiguous where Indian or Thai, I recall southeast asia was mentioned at one point.
>> No. 36761 [Edit]
They actually do that? I wonder if the mastercard version of amex black card is somehow less rare in Japan than it is in the US. Looking online, seems like only 100k amex centurion/black cardholders exist (20k in the US).
>> No. 36774 [Edit]
File 166856477696.jpg - (328.39KB , 1920x1080 , [YuiSubs] Do It Yourself!! - 06 (x265 H_265 1080p.jpg )
Reminds me of Cocoa falling on the bed. Anyone happen to have a webm of that handy?
>> No. 36776 [Edit]
File 166856484390.jpg - (257.39KB , 1920x1080 , [YuiSubs] Do It Yourself!! - 06 (x265 H_265 1080p.jpg )
Also absolutely adorable.
>> No. 36778 [Edit]
File 166891677646.jpg - (371.67KB , 1920x1080 , [YuiSubs] Do It Yourself!! - 07 (x265 H_265 1080p.jpg )
more nice typesetting from corp subs. It's not much, but I appreciate the extra effort.
>> No. 36809 [Edit]
File 166969923650.jpg - (450.32KB , 1920x1080 , [YuiSubs] Do It Yourself!! - 08 (x265 H_265 1080p.jpg )
Just a few weeks earlier:
>> No. 36818 [Edit]
File 167020702416.jpg - (309.62KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Do It Yourself!! - 07 (1080p) [41BCAC.jpg )
Sucks to say but I'm found this a bit disappointing. I went into this expecting a moe shop class. Cute girls learning how to use various tools and tricks of the trades. Something like many of the other SoL club anime out there that explore every little detail of the subject mater. Sure there's some of that, but seems like it's mostly arts and crafts. It's also got none of the themes people were talking about at the start of this thread, anything coming close to that at this point feels coincidental or surface level at best.
>> No. 36820 [Edit]
File 167020749419.jpg - (248.54KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Do It Yourself!! - 07 (1080p) [41BCAC.jpg )
ProTip: Don't let stores cut materials for you. Yes they do it, and yes it's cheap (often free), but it's a bad idea. I don't know how it is in Japan, but in our hardware stores the machines they use are horribly calibrated with worn out blades that never get changed. The people who do the cuts aren't carpenters or craftsmen, they're just shelf stokers. Hell, you'll often see signs that say they don't do precision cuts. The intended purpose is just to cut things down, typically to make it easier to transport large materials for people who don't have huge trucks. If you give them measurements they'll get close, but don't make the mistake of expecting it to be exact or well cut.
>> No. 36821 [Edit]
I personally like that they eased up on the depth of powertool explanations and whatnot that was there in the first episode, since I'm not interested in that stuff. But I can see if how you were expecting the rest of the season to be similar to that you'd be disappointed. I still think it might have been nice to gently add in some of the aforementioned themes though, and it was a bit disappointing suredecchi just kind of ends up gradually ends up being more involved in their club.
>> No. 36822 [Edit]
File 167020905192.jpg - (335.54KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Do It Yourself!! - 07 (1080p) [41BCAC.jpg )
Yeah that's fair. The scene where Jubico got weirdly technical about her tablet stand felt like the sort of thing that could scare most people away from all this stuff. I'm honestly not sure if it was meant as a joke "haha she's over complicating it" or if they're trying to highlight the more technical and in depth side of things. That scene was off-putting even for me.
>> No. 36823 [Edit]
Jobo-ko I think, from the "good job". I love that she interjects this randomly.
>> No. 36838 [Edit]
File 167087286232.jpg - (345.70KB , 1920x1080 , [ASW] Do It Yourself!! - 10 [1080p HEVC][2BA78368].jpg )
Rasam isn't a curry... that aside, very cute episode, we finally get to see the dere side of purin
>> No. 36840 [Edit]
File 167091564064.jpg - (40.79KB , 1074x604 , SubsPlease_Do_It_Yourself_-_10_720p_C4BE8E540003.jpg )
It took her 10 ep to join? seriously?
>> No. 36842 [Edit]
I was kind of hoping she (and her surii-dii purinting) would play a bigger role. Still, I'll gladly accept her pout.

Post edited on 13th Dec 2022, 12:19am
>> No. 36848 [Edit]
File 167117475525.jpg - (635.84KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Do It Yourself!! - 08 (1080p) [8B5AA2.jpg )
I've suspected she's on drugs, but now I know it.
>> No. 36850 [Edit]
Please go back to 4chan or facebook.
>> No. 36851 [Edit]
You know it'd explain a lot about the way she acts.
>> No. 36852 [Edit]
No if anything I would say the opposite would be true. This is one of the things I really hate about the west. Everything is drugs, that is all they can think about now, it's absolutely disgusting. It really is a blight on society and probably the reason why the west can no longer make good media, because they are all creatively ruined through use of such things.

At least keep your thoughts of drugs away from nations and media that have no time for it and and would be the least likely to have any involvement with it.
>> No. 36853 [Edit]
Your vendetta against drugs is western in itself. Cannabis has a long history in Japan, and production of it was only prohibited because of western, puritanical interference. Hallucinogens are also a traditional part of many cultures. Your psychotic puritanism is nothing to be proud of.

Post edited on 16th Dec 2022, 7:56pm
>> No. 36854 [Edit]
Not the parent or grandparent poster, but your response seems a bit disproportionate. The way I interpreted it, GP's comment "suspected she's on drugs" was intended to highlight her overactive imagination and spacey nature. In fact, even the definition for "spacey" uses it in this sense: "out of touch with reality, as though high on drugs", and "on drugs" has become idiomiatic in that sense. I'm fairly certain GP didn't mean that Serufu was actually consuming psychadelics. Not every usage of the word drug is intended to be used to that effect.

Perhaps further discussion should be moved to /tat/, since this has nothing to do with the show.

Post edited on 16th Dec 2022, 8:00pm
>> No. 36855 [Edit]
Hemp has a history everywhere including medieval Europe, yet hemp for clothing and such and use as a drug are separate (for one thing often hemp lacks the THC concentration necessary in the first place).

However, in both Europe and Japan there is no actual history of usage of it as a drug, there are no written sources in Japan or the Medieval Europe for that matter that mention it ever happening, it simply did not happen. Again, the west thinks about drugs all the time and applies that to everything and assumes everybody else loves them too even when the ground for that are flimsy at best.

I am just sick of it coming up all the time, as I said, it's all the west ever things of and then they make up lies like >>36853
It's quite annoying.
The fact that it has become idiomatic with such is further proof for how far we have fallen.

Post edited on 16th Dec 2022, 8:09pm
>> No. 36856 [Edit]
>in both Europe and Japan there is no actual
>Until the early 20th century, cannabis-based cures were available from Japanese drug stores. Long an ingredient in traditional Chinese medicine, they were taken to relieve muscle aches, pain and insomnia.
>Meanwhile the Tohoku region was renowned for wild wariai kinoko (laughing mushrooms). In a country in love with its fungi - think shiitake, maitake and thousand-dollar matsutake - the sale of a range of psychedelic mushrooms was legal until 2002 when they were prohibited to improve the country’s international image prior to the Japan-South Korea World Cup.5

Post edited on 16th Dec 2022, 9:22pm
>> No. 36857 [Edit]
See, vague references to traditional Chinese medicine, which they also say is based on it not actually wholly it and they don't talk about what part was used and how. The rest is about it used for clothing and such.

>Given this plethora of evidence that cannabis was essential in so many aspects of Japanese life, one question remains in doubt: Was it smoked?

>Takayasu isn’t sure - and nor are many other experts. Historical archives make no mention of cannabis smoking in Japan

This is from your source by the way.

And as for the mushrooms, again that's not from a historical source he just talks abut a plant that is there(psychedelic mushrooms grow in many parts of the world including my own), the fact that they were only banned in 2002 probably indicates that they were fairly uncommonly used for that, or it would have been addressed sooner.

Post edited on 16th Dec 2022, 9:39pm
>> No. 36858 [Edit]
>they don't talk about what part was used and how
Presumably the part that would help with insomnia, and not the useless parts.
>or it would have been addressed sooner
It didn't need to be addressed at all.

I'm arguing against your puritanism, not in favor of heavy drug use. The people who did use psychedelic mushrooms(few or not), did nothing wrong.
>> No. 36859 [Edit]
There are a number of chemicals that are active in Cannabis(called Cannabinoids).

THC has the obvious effect, but the others are not involved in that and indeed it has been found that some actually fight against intoxication.
Ignoring THC the others are not intoxicants and many are used in pharmaceutical oils, many of these are are legal in many countries including Japan, because again, they are not intoxicants.
So what part was used and how would matter.

It's a relatively new industry and lots of research is being done on it. This is part of why it is still legal in japan and other places, I think I heard that Japan might have banned some or was thinking about it.
I don't really have an opinion on this because I don't keep up with the research on this, I can't say whether it's pseudo science or not or whether they are more or less effective at whatever they are meant to do than other products.

The Mushrooms did need to be addressed and it was.
>> No. 36860 [Edit]
>The Mushrooms did need to be addressed and it was.
Why? Do you have any reason besides you thinking drugs are icky? It's probably less adverse to their health than their rampant binge-drinking.

Post edited on 16th Dec 2022, 10:33pm
>> No. 36861 [Edit]
Well they are icky and so are the people that do them.
But also because of the effects they have on people(including making them icky), effects that I have seen first hand and also effects that are known to science. As I said, mushrooms like that grow in my area but also my uncle also grows marijuana(no I never had any, it never even crossed my mind).

Alcohol was mentioned on /tat/ but I have seen binge drinkers and drunks and they are far more tolerable and much more normal people(aside from those that drink and do drugs obviously). It does not have the same impact on the mentality.
This whole conversation should probably be there, if anything else comes up here I will just edit this post to respond so as not to add anything new.

Post edited on 16th Dec 2022, 10:46pm
>> No. 36862 [Edit]
Yall need to learn how to take a joke.
>> No. 36892 [Edit]
File 167209944967.jpg - (333.80KB , 1920x1080 , [YuiSubs] Do It Yourself!! - 11 (x265 H_265 1080p.jpg )
Question: how how did they construct the rest of the floor on top of the two support beams they laid? Were they just laid perpendicularly on top of the support beams (such that each floor slab effectively has two points of support)?
>> No. 36893 [Edit]
File 16720997361.jpg - (349.95KB , 1920x1080 , [YuiSubs] Do It Yourself!! - 11 (x265 H_265 1080p.jpg )
Ah it seems so
>> No. 36895 [Edit]
I find it so odd they rushed over what was the main project for the series. It was all build up with little build ing.
>> No. 36896 [Edit]
File 167210911166.jpg - (309.87KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Do It Yourself!! - 09 (1080p) [90450D.jpg )
If you're going to feature this much English, and have a main character who routinely speaks English, you'd think they could find someone who freaking knows English!
>> No. 36897 [Edit]
Bad job.
>> No. 36899 [Edit]
File 167211128662.jpg - (1.53MB , 720x2811 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
What, the, actual, fuck?! WHY?! They destroyed the clubhouse so they could patch the roof before the obnoxious loli leaves? The same girl who offered multiple times to buy parts and materials?
So what, so instead of sending her off with the feeling that she helped contribute, you send her off knowing the clubhouse was ruined because of her?
They ripped out floorboards and destroyed a wall, but didn't even touch their tables?!
>> No. 36900 [Edit]

I get why they didn't want to have GoodJob-san just buy things, because then it's not a team effort. It doesn't quite seem like they destroyed the clubhouse entirely, and I guess they'll probably patch the floor of it later. I guess if you want to put the literary goggles on you can handwave something about how the tree house inherits the spirit of the old clubhouse, or how it marks a new generation of DIYers so it's only fitting that the old one be disassembled. But I would have preferred they do something cool like that thatched roof she mentioned.

>> No. 36901 [Edit]
They could have just put in a skylight.
>> No. 36915 [Edit]
File 167236104630.jpg - (436.49KB , 1920x1080 , [YuiSubs] Do It Yourself!! - 12 (x265 H_265 1080p.jpg )
>> No. 36916 [Edit]
I completely forgot that GoodJob-san was leaving at the end of the term. I'll miss her and her interjections.
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