No. 36820
- (248.54KB
, 1920x1080
, [SubsPlease] Do It Yourself!! - 07 (1080p) [41BCAC.jpg
ProTip: Don't let stores cut materials for you. Yes they do it, and yes it's cheap (often free), but it's a bad idea. I don't know how it is in Japan, but in our hardware stores the machines they use are horribly calibrated with worn out blades that never get changed. The people who do the cuts aren't carpenters or craftsmen, they're just shelf stokers. Hell, you'll often see signs that say they don't do precision cuts. The intended purpose is just to cut things down, typically to make it easier to transport large materials for people who don't have huge trucks. If you give them measurements they'll get close, but don't make the mistake of expecting it to be exact or well cut.