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File 166657615767.jpg - (25.94KB , 500x375 , seriously dude.jpg )
36662 No. 36662 [Edit]
What do you guys think should be required viewing for our little community here? Stuff that by all accounts everyone here should be familiar with.

Lain is the obvious choice, but can you guys name any others?
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>> No. 36663 [Edit]
File 166657632844.gif - (566.88KB , 600x450 , penpen_congratulations.gif )
Evangelion. Can't call yourself a true brohno without watching evangelion at least a dozen times. Maybe more for good measure.
>> No. 36664 [Edit]
I've only watched the Rebuilds. What am I missing out on?
>> No. 36665 [Edit]
Something good.
Asuka's backstory.
Misato's entire character.
The concept of subtlety.
End of Evangelion.
90s vibes.
Anno's creative peak which he has never been able to surpass or move past.

Just sit your ass down and watch 26 episodes plus End of Evangelion. What are you doing?
>> No. 36666 [Edit]
>> No. 36670 [Edit]
AIR, reading and watching. For obvious reasons.

>Lain is the obvious choice
Why is it the obvious choice? It's good and all, but it's not like this is a lain themed imageboard.

I'm the opposite. I've only watched the original + EoE. What am I missing out on?
>> No. 36671 [Edit]
How do you watch the rebuilds before watching the actual show? They're bonus content at best and a total bastardization of the real show at worst.
>> No. 36674 [Edit]
Can it be just "whatever I feel like"? Whenever someone mentions required viewing or must watch anime I tend to find it really boring.
>> No. 36677 [Edit]
No, because if someone only feels like watching Naurto.... they're a dumbass.
>> No. 36678 [Edit]
>Why is it the obvious choice?
Yeah it's not related to the site directly, but it's something that many if not most of users here have seen and have a clear love for. It's something that would give you better understanding and familiarity with the average TC user. Some common ground, a shared interest at the very least.

AIR on the other hand I think is more superficial. It might give you some insight into the admin's waifu but not much more than that. Like being required to read Yotsuba before being allowed to use 4chan. ...which in retrospect might not be a terrible idea considering the current state of the site.

Post edited on 14th Nov 2022, 8:24am
>> No. 36679 [Edit]
I'd argue classic Key is a requirement for any otaku community.
>> No. 36681 [Edit]
Azumanga Daioh is the most obvious pick I can think of.
>> No. 36682 [Edit]
>> No. 36684 [Edit]
File 166669334474.gif - (55.63KB , 190x210 , Osaka_Dance-2407397678.gif )
Not that anon, but it's such a cornerstone of old imageboard culture and a cornerstone of SoL comedy that it's a classic must watch. "Mai waifu" came from that after all.
>> No. 36687 [Edit]
I didn't take to the style of humor. I think other things people should have at least tried are Aria and Kemono friends, they have their own dedicated boards here (although Aria was not my cup of tea either).
>> No. 36692 [Edit]
Do you mind giving me a link to the board dedicated to Aria? It seems to be not listed.
>> No. 36693 [Edit]
I think I misspoke, my bad. I checked again through the list on >>/lol/1510 and it wasn't on there, I think I was confusing it with the aria banner image. (It could still exist though, since that list isn't authoritative though).
>> No. 36735 [Edit]
Fate or Monogatari perhaps?

>What am I missing out on?
Nothing much.
>> No. 36736 [Edit]
I would argue the more the site can relate to its founder and creator, the better. I consider AIR a fundamental part of understanding the site, and I would say its dreamlike atmosphere definitely is present in the slow pace of life in a board like this one.
>> No. 36800 [Edit]
File 166954266513.png - (315.26KB , 509x379 , Ai Amano.png )
Ai Amano
>> No. 36868 [Edit]
File 167140959277.jpg - (165.56KB , 1440x1080 , [OWO] Ashita no Joe - 53 (TV 1080p h264 AAC)_mkv_0.jpg )
I find the concept of required watching tied to a specific board pretty strange if that board's culture isn't based around certain shows. Of course this board does have Air as a theme to some extent.
At any rate, I do think if you consider yourself of a fan of anime you owe it to yourself to watch these, and I would consider them required watching for someone who wants to gain insight about the medium:
Ashita no Joe & Ashita no Joe 2
Uchuu Senkan Yamato
Kidou Senshi Gundam (1979)
Shinseiki Evangelion
>> No. 36871 [Edit]
I got bored of Lain and dropped it, I was bored of Evangelion but I forced myself through it just so that I could finally say that I had because it comes up so much. I really did not like it.

Anime is a medium not a genre, people are going to like certain things and hate others. But even within genres that will be true to an extent.

Yuru Yuri is one of my favourite animes but I would never say that it's something all anime watchers should watch, if they don't like the genre they aren't going to like it and are not going to have nice things to say about it.
Even if it was something that nearly everybody here had seen and so it served as a common interest and topic of discussion for the site. This person that watched it and hated it would not contribute in a positive way to any conversation about this because he did not like it and was only watching it because people on the board said he should.
Like what would happen if I joined a conversation on Evangelion.
>> No. 36907 [Edit]
Sure, but there are still some anime that are so revered and pivotal to the development of the medium that to call yourself an "anime fan" without having watched it would seem fallacious. Like evangelion, you don't like it, I don't really like it either, but it's such a classic that everyone has an opinion on it, and if you don't you can't really say you are experienced in the medium.

I think OP is more asking for anime that are seen as the "classics", older anime which are or were really popular and have some significance to the medium as a whole. People still talk about eva and Lain today, whereas something like Yuru Yuri, which I like as well, is really just some random good yuri SoL from 2011. Everything that can be said about it has already been said.

In that case, other than what has already been said, (eva, gundam, mushishi, classic key, etc.) 1 suggest Cowboy bebop, Ghost in the Shell, Legend of the Galactic Heroes and Macross.
Maybe you could add Haruhi and Lucky Star, since everyone who used /a/ in the 00s, which I assume most people here did, would have watched them.

>board's culture isn't based around certain shows
Closest that comes to mind is Welcome to the NHK, considering the subject matter and intended audience of this site

Post edited on 28th Dec 2022, 5:17am
>> No. 36908 [Edit]
>there are still some anime that are so revered
Among who? Cowboy Bebop is revered in the west, but not particularly so in the east. Impact on the medium is also debatable. How much impact did Lain really have?
>> No. 36909 [Edit]
Cowboy Bebop is still very popular in Japan. The idea that only the west likes it is because the west has very few popular anime and so it stands out because it did get popular. Bebop was and is successful in Japan, it's just that many other anime also are.
>> No. 36910 [Edit]
>you don't like it, I don't really like it either
Then why even watch it.
>> No. 36911 [Edit]
>Everything that can be said about it has already been said.
Just like with Evangelion.
>> No. 36912 [Edit]
I'm not him, but unless you care about whether others consider you an anime pro, there's no reason to. One would miss out on references here and there, but if you watched several episodes of Eva, but couldn't enjoy it, then it's probably not worth finishing. After all, one only has so many hours to allocate for such leisure.
>> No. 36913 [Edit]
Yes but a lot of people are still talking about it today, so clearly some people still have something to say. That was my main point in that paragraph.

Better to try something and know you don't like it rather than not try something and don't know if you like it or not, especially for something as popular as eva. You don't have to like all the anime in this thread, it's that you should probably watch them since they are so acclaimed.

You don't really have to watch them all either. OP said "required viewing" but really, that's hyperbole. The suggestion that you MUST watch all the things in this thread to use this site is absurd. This really is just a recommendation thread in disguise.
>> No. 36986 [Edit]
File 167428013436.jpg - (94.04KB , 744x1052 , a0 (1).jpg )
What's a necessary shonen fighting anime to watch?

And you don't seem to understand
A shame you seemed an honest man
And all the fears you hold so dear
Will turn to whisper in your ear
>> No. 36987 [Edit]
Necessary in what way? you mean something good, or something that's cemented in pop culture in a way that would make you feel left out if you haven't seen it? I think the later would be kinda obvious wouldn't it?
>> No. 36991 [Edit]
Lainchan used to be good. But then the arisuchan/kalyx drama happened and all the high-quality posters left. Now it's full of schizos and generation Z kids, the thread you linked is an example of that.

Well, at least it's better than /g/
>> No. 36993 [Edit]
>all the high-quality posters left
I wonder how many of them posted to tohno-chan since /navi/ still seems have quite a few good ones.

>Well, at least it's better than /g/
It's all over if this comparison is made.
>> No. 36995 [Edit]
I'm dramatizing it a little bit... though pretty much all boards besides the tech boards are pretty shit, the technology boards are still pretty good. tc's /navi/ is better, but it's much slower.
>> No. 37030 [Edit]
Do not watch something you know you wont enjoy for sure, there is no purpose. You might understand references, but references to something you again do not enjoy. That sounds stupid. I like Evangelion a lot so I would recommend it to other people but to watch it just so you could chameleon your way into a community is wrong
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