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File 165298980586.jpg - (146.40KB , 850x604 , sample_b71c709bf3f055bd560fefd23e9774a5.jpg )
36169 No. 36169 [Edit]
one of my favorite anime. too bad there's no continuation even if the author said he would continue it. (we only got a LN in japanese only unfortunatly)
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>> No. 36172 [Edit]
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>> No. 36173 [Edit]
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>> No. 36174 [Edit]
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>> No. 37054 [Edit]
Japanese production company Toei announced today that influential anime and manga creator Leiji Matsumoto, best known for creating Space Battleship Yamato and Galaxy Express 999, passed away on February 13 in a Tokyo hospital due to acute heart failure. He was 85.

Matsumoto was born in Kurume, Fukuoka prefecture on January 25, 1938. As a child and teenager during WWII, Matsumoto watched many American cartoons and comics through his father, a test pilot for the Japanese Imperial Army, as he was moved around due to the war. He was able to witness many planes during his early years through his father’s work and raids from the US Army.

He channeled his interest in cartoons and science fiction by forming a manga doujinshi group in elementary school. Matsumoto moved to Tokyo in 1953 to pursue a career in manga at the age of 18, debuting with Mitsubachi no Boken, a manga Matsumoto wrote while finishing high school.

Since then, Matsumoto is known for creating works such as Space Battleship Yamato, Captain Harlock, Galaxy Express 999, Queen Emeraldas and so many more influential works that inspired generations of artists around the world.
>> No. 37107 [Edit]
He did the character design for a series of music videos for Daft Punk.
If you are looking for "full story" here is the order:
1."One More Time"
3."Digital Love"
4."Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger"
8."High Life"
9."Something About Us"
11."Veridis Quo"
12."Short Circuit"
13."Face to Face"
14."Too Long"
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