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27161 No. 27161 [Edit]
In this moment, Hibike is euphonium. Not because of any saxophony Haruhi or Madoka’s blessing, but because she is enlightened by her own boobies.
>> No. 27162 [Edit]
HAHAHA, I know all about that epic meme. Thanks for posting!
Tell everyone on 4chan how you made a big hit on TC with this post, they're be happy for you.
>> No. 36988 [Edit]
Sound! Euphonium: The Movie - Our Promise: A Brand New Day - Official Trailer (HD) [English Sub]
Just saw it; made me cry.
>> No. 36989 [Edit]
At least it's original. I'd personally have posted it to /lol/ unless it was paired with something else more substantive though.
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