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File 149173529863.png - (1.05MB , 1280x720 , anime screencap2017-04-09-03h52m34s805.png )
28317 No. 28317 [Edit]
wtf is wrong with this girl's pussy lips?
Expand all images
>> No. 28322 [Edit]
are you mentally challenged or something?
>> No. 28323 [Edit]
What person that likes anime isn't?
>> No. 28332 [Edit]
Maybe they're just trolling?
>> No. 28339 [Edit]
Pretending to be retarded is still being retarded.

Shows what you know. Kawaii imoutos don't have pussies.
>> No. 28477 [Edit]
File 149258572229.jpg - (196.05KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Eromanga-sensei - 01 [720p]_mkv_sna.jpg )
I got about five minutes into ep1 before realizing this was related to Orimo. I thought it might have just coincidentally looked alike, maybe had some of the same artists or something. Then it clicked when I saw this character.
I looked it up and sure enough eromanga and Orimo are from the same creator. With that in mind this is gonna be a big fat NOPE for me.
>> No. 28479 [Edit]
I wish I could be bitter and/or edgy enough to instantly drop an anime when I learned they were related to another aging anime I didn't like.
>> No. 28480 [Edit]
That's only part of it. Mostly I just don't want to watch another anime that is anything like that ever again if I can help it. I've had my fill of anime about shitty self entitled girls leaching off of and/or abusing their whipped brothers.
>> No. 28486 [Edit]
Sagiri isn't leeching off her brother. I gotta assume being a successful illustrator pays pretty well.
>> No. 28487 [Edit]
You can leach off people in ways other than just money.
>> No. 28489 [Edit]
I'm sure taking care of a hikkikomori can be emotionally draining. But I suspect the show's arc is going to be about her facing her problems and starting to improve herself, in a cute and fun way.
>> No. 28494 [Edit]
i hope she changes in some way, she doesn't have any redeeming are attractive characteristics as it is other than her ability to earn some fukuzawas. either that or they make her a background character, if she didn't open her for the rest of the show that would be cool too.
>> No. 28495 [Edit]
>she doesn't have any redeeming or attractive characteristics
Except that she's cute.
>> No. 28496 [Edit]
98.325% of all girls in anime are cute. What else you got?
>> No. 28500 [Edit]
File 14926859981.png - (958.81KB , 1280x738 , anime screencap2017-04-19-02h16m02s765.png )
this other girls seems way cooler
>> No. 28740 [Edit]
>> No. 28756 [Edit]
File 14949078113.png - (1.43MB , 1476x940 , 1419333222414.png )
How precocious
>> No. 28779 [Edit]
File 149535407793.png - (43.38KB , 635x594 , I_found_a_funny.png )
>> No. 28780 [Edit]
How much of that is true?
>> No. 28782 [Edit]
I"m pretty sure it's a joke.
>> No. 28855 [Edit]
File 149657484746.png - (898.25KB , 1280x738 , anime screencap2017-06-04-03h51m41s330.png )
i don't understand how the fabric sticks to the back of her legs. she must be sticky or something, which is probably kinda gross
>> No. 28856 [Edit]
You mean those while bloomers? They're like boxer shorts but frilly.
>> No. 28862 [Edit]
>Don't be offended for us.
No one is being offended for you. It's called personal preference. There's no need to insult people for not liking what you like if they weren't being insulting about it. Different strokes for different folks.
>just be quite and watch something else.
They clearly already did.
>> No. 28874 [Edit]
>if they weren't being insulting about it
They were though. They spoke as if though nobody could like it, like it exists only to offend them, which offends my very existence. They cannot fathom the existence of such people as myself, thus they consider us less than people, a sort of sub-human, as if though my existence is not even a factor to their opines.
Having your very existence ignored, is that not soemthing to be offended about? Their rhetoric has never considered the feelings of people who like it, not in the slightest. You may not understand because you are not a devout fan of siscon media, but ask any other siscon about their treatment over on the other forum and you will get the same response as me.

Like I said, imagine if you were the only person who liked yaoi, and then a thread came up consisting only of people asking 'why does this shit exist', you would be offended.
>> No. 28875 [Edit]
>No one is being offended for you
Then he is being offended by something that he doesn't like existing.
>> No. 28876 [Edit]
Not who you have been replying to. And for the record, I did like Oreimo and do plan on watching Eromanga once the cour is over, since I like having the option to binge-watch it.

>They spoke as if though nobody could like it, like it exists only to offend them, which offends my very existence.
Isn't that sololy an interpretation? I don't see it as stated as you claim. Therefore, aren't you the only responsible for being offended here?
>They cannot fathom the existence of such people as myself
How do you even reach this conclusion? It would require another person to be mentally challenged to truly believe that some type of genre doesn't have a target it's made for. It makes absolutely no sense.
>Having your very existence ignored, is that not soemthing to be offended about?
No, it's not. Nobody owes you attention. Thinking your tastes and opinions, even your existence, -should- matter to anyone except for those who made you is delusional.
>Their rhetoric has never considered the feelings of people who like it
I agree with that, but this isn't a site for normals where people come here with the expectation their feelings are held as sacrosanct and dissenting points of view aren't allowed. Moreover, this person you're complining about, imho, wasn't going out of their way to hurt your feelings and they weren't even negative about the quality of the show, just its topic. Finally, there are no rules about complaining about a series, but there are rules about going out of your way to flame people, which is what I assume your previous posts were deleted for.
>> No. 28877 [Edit]
>Isn't that sololy an interpretation?
Everything is an interpretation.
>I don't see it as stated as you claim. Therefore, aren't you the only responsible for being offended here?
By your beliefs, I should not care about your opinions. Therefore I can completely disregard this, as it is sololy your opinion.

>It would require another person to be mentally challenged to truly believe that some type of genre doesn't have a target it's made for. It makes absolutely no sense
More, supremely ignorant, yes. Normies, for example, would understandably question the existence of siscon anime.

>Thinking your tastes and opinions, even your existence, -should- matter to anyone except for those who made you is delusional
Then why was my post deleted for offending him? If his existence does not matter to me, as you say it shouldn't, then I should not be faulted for attacking his existence (id est: my post being deleted).

>there are no rules about complaining about a series
I NEVER said anything about him should being subject to a ban. I was explaining to him the idiocy of his feeble mind.
>> No. 28878 [Edit]
>>28477 & >>28480 here.
Wow... umm... yeah....
I wasn't trying to offend or piss people off. I guess I might have been a bit blunt and rude in my wording, but I have no issue with people who like shows like this. If you like orimo or eromanga, great, more power to you guys. It's just not my cup of tea. Sorry for the trouble.
>> No. 28879 [Edit]
Is this a word filter? I've been seeing it in my posts and thought it was a legacy typo from my brain, but now I'm confused.
>I should not care about your opinions
You're right; you shouldn't. But you have the choice to care, in which case, you're the only one responsible by being affected by that choice.
>Then why was my post deleted for offending him?
I assume because you were breaking the rules. I don't see how this is a hard concept to grasp; when you use a board, you agree to submit to its rules.
>I was explaining to him the idiocy of his feeble mind.
There you go again. Nobody has insulted you, so why do you deem acceptable to do so?
>> No. 28880 [Edit]
>Is this a word filter?
>> No. 28881 [Edit]
Test: Sololy.
>> No. 28882 [Edit]
Sorry about that, seems it actually was a filter after all. It was filtering lel into lol. I removed it now so you should be good.
>> No. 28883 [Edit]
Test: Solely
Test: Top lel
>> No. 28884 [Edit]
>Nobody has insulted you, so why do you deem acceptable to do so
Does a teacher not have the duty to correct his students?
Noblesse oblige.

>I assume because you were breaking the rules
I was speaking passionately, that was all. My passion exerts itself in such a way, and in cultures outside of the USA, we can tolerate a little bit of that.
'No one can be as calculatedly rude as the British, which amazes Americans, who do not understand studied insult and can only offer abuse as a substitute.' - Paul Gallico
>> No. 28885 [Edit]
>Does a teacher not have the duty to correct his students?
What qualifies you to be a teacher about anything? How self-absorbed, even for boards standards.
>I was speaking passionately, that was all
Mental gymnastics are not excuse for bad behaviour.

It doesn't matter where you are from, you still have to follow the rules.
>> No. 28886 [Edit]
>What qualifies you to be a teacher about anything?
Explaining it is bringing up a topic quite removed from the topic of the board.

>Mental gymnastics are not excuse for bad behaviour
It is banter. A concept explained in the quote.
>> No. 28887 [Edit]
"My culture exempts me from following the rules"
>> No. 28888 [Edit]
>"My culture exempts me from following the rules"
Who would you be quoting there?
Calling somebody a 'fuckwit' is done in jest, no matter how seriously one is arguing.
Only Americans consider swears to actually be offensive.
>> No. 28891 [Edit]
File 149669027212.gif - (1.39MB , 1280x720 , 1388454664935.gif )
Ahhh, it's been so long since the last imouto anime, I wasn't going to last much longer without. Jumping for joy levels of happiness here.

Kirino butt reference in the first episode spotted. There is something special about imouto buttocks.
>> No. 28900 [Edit]
File 149683286683.png - (1.16MB , 1280x738 , anime screencap2017-06-07-03h39m16s196.png )
>> No. 28914 [Edit]
File 149694649966.png - (742.44KB , 1229x740 , ems.png )
Mein kokoro.
There's no way my little sister can be this cute.
>> No. 28947 [Edit]
File 149778596360.png - (637.53KB , 1280x738 , anime screencap2017-06-18-04h35m51s240.png )
she's got a pretty saggy, untoned ass for such a young girl. not surprising considering the heaviest exercise she does is lifting an ipad
>> No. 28950 [Edit]
File 149778645690.jpg - (107.05KB , 736x733 , anime screencap2017-06-18-04h36m02s819.jpg )
and look at the huge flab crease on her abdomen, its practically ⅓ the length of her torso. theres nothing appealing about her compared to the other girls. i like the class rep girl with the cock fetish the best, but the nudist blonde neighbor is a close 2rd.
>> No. 28952 [Edit]
kirino is in much better shape and way hotter
people are calling this a siscon anime, but anyone attracted to saggy sad sack sagiri over the other girls has way weirder fetishes than incest. shitcon would be a better term
>> No. 29016 [Edit]
Imouto is about cute, not sexy. What a dumb-ass.
>> No. 30786 [Edit]
File 151832861274.gif - (5.15MB , 720x404 , eromanga.gif )
I gave this a shot. It wasn't anywhere as bad as people made it seem to be. I'd even say it was better than Oreimo if you were to remove Kuroneko from it, and definitely better than it if you only take S1 into account. It's entertaining, cute, has very decent production values, and great tsundere and imouto interactions if that appeals to you. The sister is nowhere near as abusive, entitled nor idiotic as Kirino and she's technically not the MC's sister (not a spoiler), so the love she has for him makes much more sense within the story. The MC is also a much more sympathetic character and I never felt like he was a moron for taking care of Sagiri. Definitely above average for an ecchi / harem series.
This is hilarious.
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