moe moe kyun~

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File 149905276966.jpg - (912.17KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Hina Logi - From Luck & Logic -.jpg )
29039 No. 29039 [Edit]
This is absolutely great.

If Japan has any sense at all, they will make this show sell well enough to set a precedent for other production studios to make more of them.
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>> No. 29041 [Edit]
By the synopsis, it seems generic.
What exactly is great about this?
>> No. 29042 [Edit]
>If Japan has any sense at all, they will make this show sell well enough to set a precedent for other production studios to make more of them.
The fuck is this? A 4chan parody OP?
>> No. 29043 [Edit]
File 149909225890.jpg - (720.75KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Hina Logi - From Luck & Logic -.jpg )

Similar to Sora no Woto, with the military premise changed to magical girl school.
>> No. 29048 [Edit]
>This is absolutely great.
No, this is just another generic moelove. If Japan had any sense at all they would stop making these shitty moe anime and start producing something good instead.
>> No. 29049 [Edit]
I forgot moe**shit** is changed to "moelove" here.
>> No. 29050 [Edit]
japs like cute, Americans don't, and japs don't care what Americans like or don't like. That should be common sense.
>> No. 29094 [Edit]
At this point posts like these honestly seem to be delibrate just to stir some sort of conversation.
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