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File 149121523326.jpg - (36.33KB , 640x488 , daki dude.jpg )
28242 No. 28242 [Edit]
waiting between seasons for new anime fukkin sucks
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>> No. 28243 [Edit]
Watch something old in the meantime.
>> No. 28244 [Edit]
What, don't you have a backlog?
>> No. 28245 [Edit]
File 149121540251.jpg - (83.02KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut - 07 [720p]_mkv_sna.jpg )
Tell me about it...
>> No. 28246 [Edit]
I disagree. The break between seasons gives me a chance to watch old anime or catch up on non-anime entertainment.
>> No. 28250 [Edit]
File 149127375761.jpg - (135.21KB , 640x480 , a0ba6b8ef073a0f3a7ee57c034e07e301225513897_full.jpg )
>non-anime entertainment

maybe you should be posting about you affinity for 3D on a non-tohno-chan website
>> No. 28252 [Edit]
File 149129417662.jpg - (162.34KB , 1000x1000 , dildos.jpg )
>manga is 3D
>gaems is 3D
>> No. 28263 [Edit]
In defense of Suiseiseki anon, I too assumed you meant 3D stuff. I don't think there is anything wrong with it as long as it is wholesome, like documentaries or something.
>> No. 28300 [Edit]
File 149165034397.png - (1.04MB , 1280x738 , anime screencap2017-04-08-04h02m09s218.png )
due to the season gap i got motivated enough to go find the hozuki no reistsu ovas i hadn't seen yet, very worth doing and good
>> No. 29018 [Edit]
File 149886851819.png - (935.41KB , 1280x738 , anime screencap2017-03-03-00h17m03s385.png )
fukkin season gap again
>> No. 29019 [Edit]
I had a bad habit of slowly falling behind with anime and end with a few ep left after the anime finishes, so this isn't so bad for me.
>> No. 29025 [Edit]
regardless that, i still demand that you sympathize with my cause
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