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File 147607012146.jpg - (82.99KB , 1280x720 , [MagnAvaloN] Gi(a)rlish Number - 01v2 [720p]_mkv_s.jpg )
27108 No. 27108 [Edit]
Damn, this anime is harsh. The cute smiling girl on the front and the 'slice-of-life' tag are intentionally deceptive.
I don't know if my soul can take it.
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>> No. 27137 [Edit]
Replies: >>27139
File 147634747353.jpg - (113.97KB , 640x854 , 1476238736386.jpg )
Why aren't you watching Flip Ship Dip?
>> No. 27139 [Edit]
Who says one can't have it both ways?
>> No. 28784 [Edit]
I could never really forget about this anime, not that I hated it, so I continued watching it.
I found that, past episode two, it gets lighter and more humorous. The girls are cute too.
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