No. 31022
- (98.43KB
, 1280x720
, [HorribleSubs] Overlord II - 06 [720p]_mkv_snapsho.jpg
Whelp, I think it's about time I drop this. Not sure why or how I've stuck with it this long. I was mildly curious about the mystery/story behind the anime, but not only are they probably not going to answer anything anytime soon, but in retrospect it doesn't feel that interesting anymore. It might all be a dream, or maybe the game devs accidentally created a portal to another universe, who knows. I don't much care anymore to be honest and it doesn't feel like it maters much to the story anyway.
The further on this goes the more pointless it feels to have the main character be a human in an mmo when they can just have the anime be centered around some antihero demon lord in a fantasy world from the start. I wish fantasy anime could just be fantasy anime again without any of this VR otaku's after life bullshit tacked on as if they need to justify taking part in the genre. Yes there are themes here of the main character loosing his humanity, but that could easily be replicated by having the main character be a former human in this fantasy world. The real world tie in stuff is just so unnecessary, as proven by the second season which makes very little reference to it.
Gotta say, I'm not usually much for dark themes. In anime dark/violent tends to mean immature with cheesy levels of gore. It's a bit on the tame side for the most part, but I draw the line at torture girls and this is the second time such a thing comes up. At least in the first season they got it over with without dragging it out too much. From what I hear, it seems things only get worse. Season two opens with the main character nearly committing genocide just to evaluate one of his underlings. That ain't my cup of tea yo.
Personal preference aside, the show crawls at a snail's pace. Season 1 was a whole of "...do something already!!!" followed by some "...That was it?!" with not much in between. It was like watching someone take an hour to set up a chess board, take two turns, then tell you to wait a few years to see the next couple turns. It was obvious they were trying to stretch out the content they had to work with as much as they could and it was a snore fest because of it. Then you sprinkle in some fights that feel pointless due to how over powered all the characters are. No challenge, no adversity, no stakes. Someone with a power fantasy might fight these amusing at first, but I'd think even they would get bored of watching kids stomp on ants eventually. Then there's the oh so trilling lizardmen tribe politics and mating rituals which felt like they'd never end.