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File 150146132924.jpg - (189.74KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Hina Logi - From Luck & Logic -.jpg )
29253 No. 29253 [Edit]
Anyone else here seen this yet?
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>> No. 29255 [Edit]
File 150153711248.jpg - (787.54KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Hina Logi - From Luck & Logic -.jpg )
The opening is quite good.
The show is great so far.
>> No. 29256 [Edit]
File 150157899854.jpg - (98.92KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Hina Logi - From Luck & Logic -.jpg )
The OP is pretty great.

I thought the first ep was 'almost' garbage. It felt poorly directed and kind of retarded in the way only a failed attempt at comedy can be. It was also all over the place in quality. I wouldn't be surprised if that first ep made a lot of people drop this show.
The pace in the second ep took things a bit slower which was nice and made for a more pleasant experience.
Loving those transformation scenes by the way, they're great!
>> No. 29268 [Edit]
File 150204131790.jpg - (711.96KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Hina Logi - From Luck & Logic -.jpg )
>> No. 29324 [Edit]
File 150353743936.jpg - (691.24KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Hina Logi - From Luck & Logic -.jpg )
>> No. 29329 [Edit]
File 150371821720.jpg - (114.54KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Hina Logi - From Luck & Logic -.jpg )
It's like they took a wrong turn and missed the road to no game no life.
>> No. 29330 [Edit]
File 150371830430.jpg - (95.56KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Hina Logi - From Luck & Logic -.jpg )
Disregard life, acquire bear.
>> No. 29356 [Edit]
File 15044757248.jpg - (765.83KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Hina Logi - From Luck & Logic -.jpg )
>> No. 29383 [Edit]
File 150507620617.jpg - (661.64KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Hina Logi - From Luck & Logic -.jpg )
oh my.
>> No. 29425 [Edit]
File 150568849565.jpg - (1.14MB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Hina Logi - From Luck & Logic -.jpg )
That was a good series. I hope we get some OVAs with the BD releases.
>> No. 29428 [Edit]
File 150571583367.jpg - (100.62KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Hina Logi - From Luck & Logic -.jpg )
>> No. 29582 [Edit]
File 150847247255.jpg - (146.57KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Hina Logi - From Luck & Logic -.jpg )
I love how little sense this anime made. It's great!
>> No. 29588 [Edit]
File 15088221885.jpg - (329.93KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Hina Logi - From Luck & Logic -.jpg )
She really does.
>> No. 29626 [Edit]
File 150929502110.jpg - (253.24KB , 1280x1440 , [HorribleSubs] Hina Logi - From Luck & Logic -.jpg )
>> No. 29633 [Edit]
File 150932249172.jpg - (517.39KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Hina Logi - From Luck & Logic -.jpg )
>> No. 29793 [Edit]
Yeah, the OP is super cute.
>> No. 29794 [Edit]
File 151110581546.jpg - (166.73KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Hina Logi - From Luck & Logic -.jpg )
Ah, Japan's immigration policy.
>> No. 29811 [Edit]
Obviously covering the ears is ideal when firing a Stinger indoors, but I don't quite get the opening the mouth.
Is it because the force of the explosion impacts the internal organs, and having the mouth open thereby expels the force and prevents blowing up your lungs?
>> No. 29812 [Edit]
File 151122854643.jpg - (746.38KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Hina Logi - From Luck & Logic -.jpg )

In theory, it helps save the inner ear and ear drums from rupturing when hit by a shockwave from a blast.

In practice, t's about as effective as stop drop and roll when covered in petrol and lit on fire.
>> No. 29815 [Edit]
Dunno, theoretically, rolling would help disperse the petrol, but I get what you mean.
I thought it was like when you get punched in the gut and you automatically gasp, whereas firing a missile would be to abrubt for your body to mitigate on its own.
>> No. 30280 [Edit]
File 151560448133.jpg - (98.68KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Hina Logi - From Luck & Logic -.jpg )
The La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo?!
>> No. 30887 [Edit]
File 151949564532.jpg - (107.50KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Hina Logi - From Luck & Logic -.jpg )
They did it, the absolute madmen!
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