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File 150757841995.jpg - (1.16MB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Garo - Vanishing Line - 01 [1080p]_.jpg )
29541 No. 29541 [Edit]
This is going to be a fun 90's throwback series.

The heavy metal guitar BGMs could do without the dubstep, but overall it works.
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>> No. 29618 [Edit]
File 150913530211.jpg - (1.00MB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Garo - Vanishing Line - 04 [1080p]_.jpg )
you aren't supposed to sit in a chair like that....
>> No. 29620 [Edit]
What are you the chair police? Sitting like that is how you know they're hip and cool, wild and totally unpredictable and non-conformist! Don't be so square, man.
>> No. 29624 [Edit]
I swear to god if I ever see someone sitting like that I'll push em right over on their stool, you can count on that.
>> No. 29653 [Edit]
File 150985318575.jpg - (756.62KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Garo - Vanishing Line - 05 [1080p]_.jpg )
That was the fugliest monster I've seen in quite a while.
>> No. 29796 [Edit]
File 151112173289.jpg - (418.29KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Garo - Vanishing Line - 07 [1080p]_.jpg )
7 episodes in, and the story looks like it will change from a mostly episodic format to more of a story arc for the last bit.

I was hoping her showing up in the eye catches meant she would more of join the cast and have more of a story to her. Quite a shame, really.
>> No. 29797 [Edit]
We're far from nearing the "last bit". There are still 17 episodes to go.
>> No. 29798 [Edit]
File 151113119670.jpg - (960.34KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Garo - Vanishing Line - 04 [1080p]_.jpg )

2 cours? That's great news.
>> No. 29889 [Edit]
File 151234879299.jpg - (751.42KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Garo - Vanishing Line - 09 [1080p]_.jpg )
I can understand that none of the animators have been to the US before, nor speak english well, so I can forgive them using Japanese traffic patterns (left lane is slow lane, right lane passing lane), as well as the part where they are going east on the Interstate when their destination is to the west.

But to use the chonglish nip shorthand speak for the grades of gasoline when the actual language is right in the same frame; that is where I draw the line. What the hell, guys.
>> No. 29893 [Edit]
That's some premiam quality control.
>> No. 30239 [Edit]
File 151537884275.jpg - (0.98MB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Garo - Vanishing Line - 12 [1080p]_.jpg )
Surprising accurate description of the bad parts of vegas.
>> No. 30377 [Edit]
File 151595735167.jpg - (701.54KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Garo - Vanishing Line - 13 [1080p]_.jpg )
New OP, new ED, new eye catches
... and then out of nowhere the story suddenly goes Tolkien with the one ring to rule them all. Who thought that was a good idea?

In any case, the mid west desert as a background for the group's shenanigans is a pleasant change from the crowded city. Looking forward to more of that.
>> No. 30411 [Edit]
Looks like they took a wrong turn and ended up in freeside.
>> No. 30473 [Edit]
File 151656447748.jpg - (640.82KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Garo - Vanishing Line - 14 [1080p]_.jpg )
>Luxury Background
>Place your sample text here

Oh, Japan. One day your wanton abuse of stealing other people's copyrighted work found on google will get you into trouble.
>> No. 30474 [Edit]
God that's fucking hilarious!
>> No. 30800 [Edit]
File 151840526796.jpg - (570.08KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Garo - Vanishing Line - 17 [1080p]_.jpg )
>> No. 31003 [Edit]
File 152098886422.jpg - (692.16KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Garo - Vanishing Line - 21 [1080p]_.jpg )
It should be considered a crime against humanity if there are no footjob doujins from this girl.
>> No. 31089 [Edit]
File 152262552164.jpg - (737.34KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Garo - Vanishing Line - 24 [1080p]_.jpg )
Well, that was a fun ride.

The final fights, in every case, were extremely underwhelming, rushed with shitty pacing, and were loaded with QUALITY. The sophie hacking thing with the ghost girl was promptly dropped and forgotten, which is a shame. The epilogue was quite good though. Hopefully we get a movie with more post time-skip Sophie and bishop.
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