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File 171048687579.jpg - (340.63KB , 1920x1080 , mpv-shot0008.jpg )
37954 No. 37954 [Edit]
higurashi sotsu ep13

it was really about friendship all along... just as i thought.........

what an ending to the reboot. and the song playing at the end....... I cried.

It makes one think about various things.
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>> No. 37955 [Edit]
For me, it's the 2006 one or nothing. Didn't enjoy all the alien and magic stuff that comes later. Back when the reboot started, it took 1 episode to know it wasn't for me.
>> No. 37956 [Edit]
Had never really got myself updated to this series in a decade already...only remember watching 4 seasons of it, original run, -kai, -rei, and -kira. after checking the few images of that last released season(sotsu), it really made me miss that original run artwork.
>> No. 37986 [Edit]
Nothing to Niipah about.
>> No. 38060 [Edit]
File 171413163259.jpg - (345.61KB , 1920x1080 , mpv-shot0936.jpg )
I finally caught up on the new trigun anime from a while ago. It was quite good, it had the spirit of the original even though it was very different.

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