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File 152306207252.jpg - (160.44KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby - 01 [720.jpg )
31099 No. 31099 [Edit]
Horse girls.
Expand all images
>> No. 31100 [Edit]
File 152306214263.jpg - (130.88KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby - 01 [720.jpg )
Might just be the first ep, but it looks well made. There's some good quality art and animation here.
>> No. 31101 [Edit]
File 152306462685.jpg - (163.33KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby - 01 [720.jpg )
Step one: Main character says they want to be the best ___ .
Step two: Everyone laughs at them.
Step three: MC proves they have what it takes or at least to get close.
Step Four: Repeat forever.
>> No. 31110 [Edit]
File 152315961762.jpg - (139.65KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby - 01 [720.jpg )
So was I and last time I checked I don't say "DESS" at the end of every sentience dess. Where are they getting this stereotype from anyway dess? Do American tourists actually talk like that dess? This isn't the first anime I've seen this in dess.
>> No. 31113 [Edit]
>I don't say "DESS" at the end of every sentience dess.
She has a Spanish name though. Maybe a jab?
>> No. 31119 [Edit]
File 152326714447.jpg - (851.54KB , 1532x2632 , UmaMusume-Real-Horse-Character-Comparison-Chart.jpg )
Which horse would you ride bear back /an/?
>> No. 31121 [Edit]
File 152332549433.jpg - (142.41KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby - 02 [108.jpg )
If you know what I mean.
>> No. 31122 [Edit]
File 152332555313.jpg - (129.30KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby - 02 [108.jpg )
Okay this was kind of funny.
>> No. 31125 [Edit]
File 152339424042.jpg - (147.08KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby - 02 [108.jpg )
Hammering it like that seems ineffective without a brace of some sort.
>> No. 31136 [Edit]
If Yurucamp made the number of campers skyrocket across the country, does that mean this anime is going to make everyone dump their live savings at the race track?
>> No. 31149 [Edit]
File 152402983294.jpg - (188.15KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby - 03 [108.jpg )
I thought the running shoes with heels were dumb, but then they have the girls run races dressed like this.
>> No. 31155 [Edit]
File 152425068640.jpg - (160.97KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby - 03 [108.jpg )
I think the creators never hammered together anything in their life.
>> No. 31189 [Edit]
File 15248189031.jpg - (221.03KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby - 04 [720.jpg )
Is gold ship playing freaking uno?
>> No. 31190 [Edit]
Yes, that's definitely UNO.
>> No. 31207 [Edit]
File 152505973688.jpg - (118.26KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby - 05 [720.jpg )
I think that'd be worth the kick to the face.
>> No. 31212 [Edit]
I know it's not the same scene, but a picture makes no justice to such a moment:
>> No. 31221 [Edit]
Anyone else notice really bad audio quality in the latest hs release?
>> No. 31272 [Edit]
File 152672463349.jpg - (189.44KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby - 08 [108.jpg )
What's with her and these cubes?
>> No. 31371 [Edit]
Maybe she likes sugar cubes and associate all cubes with that?
>> No. 31379 [Edit]
File 152888348731.jpg - (186.61KB , 1920x1080 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Over the last few ep they built up this character as being one of the fastest horse girls in the world.

Nearing the end of the race in ep 12 she's clearly struggling to keep up with Special week... What I wanna know is who the fuck are those other two faceless girls who managed to stay ahead of both these characters right up until the very end?

>> No. 31383 [Edit]
File 152895169317.jpg - (189.74KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby - 12 [108.jpg )
Might help if they took the ear covers off. ...just a thought.
>> No. 31397 [Edit]
File 152937816128.jpg - (92.05KB , 1280x720 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Holy fucking cop out...
>> No. 31398 [Edit]
There's no way this wouldn't cause a massive scandal and piss off all the people betting on the race. I'm not sure if there's an attendance cost for fans but there would likely be a lot of demands for refunds if there was one. Doesn't matter how you look at this or spin it, most of those horse girls were obviously not trying to win and let the tie happen. putting aside skill levels, a tie of that scale would be practically impossible unless choreographed to procession.
>> No. 35319 [Edit]
File 161024856956.jpg - (125.30KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby S2 - 01 (72.jpg )
Season 2 is out!
>> No. 35320 [Edit]
File 161024883237.jpg - (59.60KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby S2 - 01 (72.jpg )
Probably the funniest part of the first ep was the way she prances out onto stage.
>> No. 35321 [Edit]
I think it's interesting how the second season decided to swap protagonists with a preexisting supporting character.
>> No. 35369 [Edit]
File 161142246896.jpg - (99.25KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby S2 - 03 (72.jpg )
>> No. 35407 [Edit]
File 161204695013.jpg - (110.64KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby S2 - 04 (72.jpg )
I might have to start using that.
>> No. 35408 [Edit]
File 16120470033.jpg - (97.72KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby S2 - 04 (72.jpg )
I'm amazed this person still has a job.
>> No. 35415 [Edit]
File 161222354612.jpg - (121.35KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby S2 - 04 (72.jpg )
They don't call it Pretty Derby for nothing.
>> No. 35450 [Edit]
File 161332221058.jpg - (135.77KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby S2 - 05 (72.jpg )
meganekko moe~
>> No. 35452 [Edit]
File 161332244040.jpg - (98.66KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby S2 - 05 (72.jpg )
I love how out of place turbo looks. It's like she took a wrong turn and ended up in the wrong anime.
>> No. 35453 [Edit]
Braids + glasses = win.

Post edited on 14th Feb 2021, 9:37am
>> No. 35456 [Edit]
File 161333141486.jpg - (752.86KB , 892x1077 , 1e6f493d03d51dbaefa9f9bbf5d9dc72.jpg )
Her design is crazy and she looks like a mascot for some kind of edm or dubstep artist and I love it.
>> No. 35458 [Edit]
could those things BE any bigger?
>> No. 35462 [Edit]
File 161357110119.png - (582.58KB , 598x798 , LYRS7374.png )
I'm not impressed with S2, it doesn't work in a stronger season where there are other options.
>> No. 35463 [Edit]
Over saturation sucks don't it?
>> No. 35486 [Edit]
>> No. 35502 [Edit]
File 161463462391.jpg - (101.29KB , 1088x612 , SubsPlease_Uma_Musume_-_Pretty_Derby_S2_-_09_1080p.jpg )
>> No. 35512 [Edit]
File 161531896836.jpg - (121.07KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby S2 - 08 (72.jpg )
Rice Shower is one adorable beast on the track. Holy hell.
>> No. 35527 [Edit]
Has anyone played the game yet?
>> No. 35529 [Edit]
File 161577902042.jpg - (120.80KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby S2 - 09 (72.jpg )
This whole ep was brutal, it was hard to watch.
>> No. 35537 [Edit]
Which horse would you ride bearback?
>> No. 35540 [Edit]
None, I'm afraid of the horse mafia.
>> No. 35542 [Edit]
It's kind of funny how the anime and game never once make any mention of betting.
>> No. 35547 [Edit]
File 161626989983.png - (703.32KB , 1000x1000 , e4a56232f18e79977a7855ba16dc3665.png )
>> No. 35551 [Edit]
File 161640051987.jpg - (67.48KB , 475x662 , Ew_70ODUYAcEvj-.jpg )
Apparently all the girls based on real world male horses have accessories on the right side of their head, and the ones based on females have them on their left side.
Meanwhile, Fine Motion has them on both sides. I guess in their case, the real world horse was female but still had testicles.
How does that even happen?
>> No. 35552 [Edit]
That doesn't make any sense. Maybe it was a gelding?
>> No. 35598 [Edit]
File 161826095392.jpg - (54.58KB , 916x526 , EyrbQVAU8AUw8ig.jpg )
Apparently Uma is getting a whole generation into real world horse racing, and these people are spending more than the old timers too, a lot more.
>> No. 35742 [Edit]
File 162250187141.jpg - (239.95KB , 1920x1080 , 1622477928457.jpg )
Just a reminder; this series is great fun and you should watch it and maybe play the game too!
>> No. 35877 [Edit]
But the game is in japanese...
>> No. 35878 [Edit]
I can't read it, but it hasn't stopped me from playing it.
>> No. 35879 [Edit]
I enjoy the anime greatly but I always lose patience with mobile games. Happened with Princess Connect the same way.
>> No. 35880 [Edit]
The daily grind in the mobile game is way too tedious.
>> No. 35923 [Edit]
Capitalism.... HEIGH HO, SILVER! AWAY!
>> No. 35993 [Edit]

I didn't know Nanahira did a cover of this song.
>> No. 36109 [Edit]

Bad Carrot.
>> No. 36113 [Edit]
Bad Apple is the gift that keeps on giving. I think my favorite variants have been the ones that take full advantage of the black-white nature, such as playing it on an oscilloscope (
>> No. 36257 [Edit]
The Topgun colab is nuts.
>> No. 37119 [Edit]
File 168168401480.jpg - (142.75KB , 1154x649 , Ioroid_Uma_Musume_Pretty_Derby_-_Road_to_the_Top_-.jpg )
Holy hell, first ep of road to the top was awesome!
>> No. 37120 [Edit]

First ep got dropped on youtube if anyone is interested.
>> No. 37131 [Edit]
Is this an official episode?
>> No. 37132 [Edit]
Yeah, it's their official channel too. I heard they were going to put it on some streaming service but the deal fell out. Don't know if true. Guess we'll see if the rest of it gets uploaded there too. I believe it's a 4ep ona.

Post edited on 21st Apr 2023, 10:23pm
>> No. 37142 [Edit]
Ep2 is out now!
>> No. 37146 [Edit]

I'll just leave this right here.
>> No. 37170 [Edit]
Machitan gf where?
>> No. 37177 [Edit]
File 168350869581.jpg - (834.51KB , 2559x1440 , 1.jpg )
Fun last ep
>> No. 37301 [Edit]
File 168864332532.jpg - (168.88KB , 850x1202 , 20230705.jpg )
I wanna do things to Rice Shower
>> No. 37341 [Edit]
Give her head pats and call her a good girl?
>> No. 37348 [Edit]
Yes. Just that.
>> No. 37428 [Edit]
File 169672570413.jpg - (196.08KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby S3 - 01 (72.jpg )
First ep of Season 3 is out now! giddyup!
>> No. 37434 [Edit]
File 169680154315.jpg - (165.54KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby S3 - 01 (72.jpg )
I recently had a conversation with someone about how western superhero's never seem to use their powers to help people in everyday life, instead it's only to save lives or beat up bad guys. We kind of settled on the idea that maybe it's a lack of creativity.
Then here you have an uma musume showing how she helps people with her powers without even being a super hero, which isn't even uncommon in anime.
It's like in japan their way of showing us someone is a good person is by depicting them performing acts of kindness and supporting their local community.
While the US version of showing someone is good, is by punching the shit out of someone that isn't.
>> No. 37435 [Edit]
A superhero story about a guy who punches the shit out of pedophiles would be pretty cool and a benefit to the community.
>> No. 37445 [Edit]
File 169730602490.jpg - (148.45KB , 827x827 , 72d8370544322d93da4471d3873f89e0.jpg )
Uma is life, Uma is love.
>> No. 37470 [Edit]
File 169760660256.jpg - (84.11KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby S3 - 02 (72.jpg )
So... are there no male horses in this universe?
>> No. 37471 [Edit]
Horses that were colts in the real world still incarnate as girls. Agnes Tachyon was Daiwa Scarlet's sire for instance.
>> No. 37491 [Edit]
File 169792848846.jpg - (228.58KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby S3 - 03 (10.jpg )
She's bad with gates, get it?
>> No. 37501 [Edit]
File 16980178487.jpg - (179.06KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby S3 - 03 (10.jpg )
Characters in an anime play instruments with animation that's completely out of sync with what we're hearing so often I've learned to just get used to it.
That made this all the more hilarious.
>> No. 37517 [Edit]
File 169854020673.jpg - (189.47KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby S3 - 03 (10.jpg )
I'm okay with this pairing...
>> No. 37543 [Edit]
File 169914527560.jpg - (151.72KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby S3 - 05 (72.jpg )
>> No. 37544 [Edit]
File 169914755198.jpg - (123.05KB , 1280x720 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
This was hilarious, and it's stuff like this why I like this series.
>> No. 37564 [Edit]
why is anime Gold Ship so ugly compared to her game version?
>> No. 37584 [Edit]
File 170095917162.jpg - (114.43KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby S3 - 07 (72.jpg )
I think there's still a few things to teach her, if you know what I mean.
>> No. 37589 [Edit]
File 170096208816.jpg - (167.09KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby S3 - 07 (72.jpg )
Look at those electronics, did she buy that thing from a Dollartree (or poundland)?
>> No. 37602 [Edit]
File 170136417967.jpg - (137.01KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby S3 - 09 (10.jpg )
The latest episode was really cute, loved watching the trip they went on together.
>> No. 37638 [Edit]
File 17021752581.jpg - (144.30KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby S3 - 08 (72.jpg )
>> No. 37665 [Edit]
File 17028909156.jpg - (157.55KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby S3 - 09 (72.jpg )
yeah it was super cute. It was a nice change of pace seeing them take it easy and go in a more slice of life direction. The second half of the ep on the other hand felt a little too predictable, and it made me think about how this season just doesn't seem to be working for me as well as season two or even the recent OVA did.
This has it's moment for sure, it's got good production values as well, but one of the problems is it feels a bit dull and average somehow.
It's certainly well executed but it lacks a lot of that authentic natural feeling the second season had, and even a lot of the random weirdness too. I think one of the problems is this is centered around two characters who are both set up to succeed from the start, and we watch them do exactly that, just as in the first season it was centered around a character and her path to glory(and latter fading into the background). It makes for a nice story, but also a bland one. Not only that, but it doesn't even feel like a real contest. Much in how the first season ended with that massive bullshit draw, I feel like this one might do something similar to keep these two characters on the same level.
This isn't helped by having a lackluster cast of characters. All the fan favorites from the first two seasons have largely been sidelined, which to be fair they should be to pass the baton on to the next generation, but they're doing a pretty terrible job of establishing the new characters. Many of which have little to say and even less to do in what little screen time they get. While the focus of the season is obviously on Black and diamond, I think it's focused on them a little too much. There's some occasional yuri teasing with Nice Nature, a lack luster rival for Black we only see a couple times, and that girl with the hat that is kind of implied to be the third main character but comes across like a background character with how little you see of them. At least goldship somehow managed to get a whole ep dedicated to her. I don't even like the character that much but it would be nice to see more of that to give the season more variety and flesh out this large and very wasted cast they have.
>> No. 37688 [Edit]
File 170339490196.jpg - (59.61KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby S3 - 10 (72.jpg )
>> No. 37699 [Edit]
File 170369908122.jpg - (151.58KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby S3 - 13 (10.jpg )
While I didn't like this season as much as S1, S2, and even Road to the Top, much for the same reasons as >>37665 mentioned, this last episode felt like a satisfactory conclusion to Black's arc that made me tear up.
The ending idol segment being nearly entirely 2D animated (with the exception of some zoomed out shots) was pretty nice too. That's pretty common for Uma Musume, but still nice to see non-CG shit for dance segments in anime these days.
>> No. 37700 [Edit]
>The ending idol segment being nearly entirely 2D animated (with the exception of some zoomed out shots) was pretty nice too.
I didn't feel compelled to continue watching after S1, but it's nice to read they more or less stuck to this.
>> No. 37706 [Edit]
File 17037412214.jpg - (136.68KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby S3 - 10 (72.jpg )
I like how they heard this girl as if she was in the same room.
>> No. 37707 [Edit]

New movie on the way.
>> No. 37710 [Edit]
File 170398364427.jpg - (142.09KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby S3 - 11 (72.jpg )
Gold Ship DOES NOT work as a mature knowledgeable mentoring senpai type character, not AT ALL. She's an a oh so random and crazy comic relief character. She's meant to be silly dumb and fun. This feels so forced. It's because her VA runs the youtube channel, isn't it?

Why in the hell would you have Nice Nature Gold Ship compete for the same role here?
While it makes sense to seek out someone on your same team for support, there was actually a little bit of chemistry with Nice, but with Gold Ship there's nothing there. Goldship seems like the worst person on the team to turn to anyway. Now if only there was someone on her team who was one of the best horse girls around... someone we saw prove herself last season... someone that Kitasan already admires and looks up to... Someone who inspired Kitasan in the first place... hmmmm.... HHHMMMMMMMM.... IF ONLY THERE WAS SOMEONE LIKE THAT ON HER OWN FUCKING TEAM.

Seriously, is this studio meddling or just incompetence?
>> No. 37773 [Edit]
File 170479289019.jpg - (112.53KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Uma Musume - Pretty Derby S3 - 13 (72.jpg )
Finally got around to finishing season3. Last two episodes were a bit of an improvement but it didn't really make up for what a mess the whole season was. This anime feels like lighting off some fireworks, which turn out to be a dud, only to then let off a little poof at the end. It's disappointing, Season 2 was a big improvement over the first, the game was well made, and the ova was great. I was expecting something better. I went into this wanting to love it but walked away disappointed. I had a feeling early on something was off when Rice shower had that awkward cameo like appearance. Which in hindsight feels like a character that was shoved into a script they weren't meant to be in at the last moment because they're popular. Or how they kept randomly playing what sounded like Mortal Kombat theme at inappropriate times.

There was an over reliance on familiarity with the game for one thing, projects like this should be able to stand on their own. you should feel like you might get more out of it by playing the game, but not like you're missing a lot of important details if you missed some of the content in the game, and for a lot of mobile games keeping up with everything can be like a full time job.
We have new characters that just pop up out of nowhere without so much as a greeting, some who don't get introduced till the second to last ep after awkwardly hanging around all season. In spite of adding a handful of new characters, it still felt very empty due to it's focus on mostly just two characters, and even then more so one of them.
If you have really strong complex characters this can work, but that didn't really feel like the case here. This while all the other characters had so little to say and do they might as well have not been there at all. They're all sadly wasted here. Cheval Grand had a nice role to play near the end (Who's great idea was it to spoil the results of the race in the OP?) but she felt so poorly established over the course of the season, it didn't have the same impact. I hate it when a character gets their life story dumped on you all in one go. You had a full season here full of a lot of nothing. Hell, they could have made Cheval Grand be Kitasan Black's rival instead of Duramente, but that might have made too much sense..

What started out with the friendly rivalry between Kitasan Black and Satono Diamond ended up just being a story of Kitasan pushing herself to her limits, while the story pushes Diamond off to the sidelines and literally writes her out of it for a while. Kitasan was given her own rival for some reason early into the season but that didn't really go anywhere. Likewise the whole dynamic with Nice Nature not only went nowhere but didn't really make much sense. Call me dense but I couldn't understand what Nice's deal was with Kitasan. She looks almost embarrassed or ashamed to be associated with her, at one point didn't even want to deal with her until she was noticed. There was this line about feeling inadequate compared to her but that doesn't seem to really mesh with how she acts.
Then you have the boke character in Goldship going stalker mode and giving Kitasan guidance at the end while acting high and mighty for one of the most retarded girls on the campus.
For a character that loves Tokai Teiou, we sure don't see Kitasan interact much with her in spite of being on the same team. We should have seen something of a baton pass there, but instead she was largely treated like window dressing. Just as we don't see anything at all between Diamond and McQueen.
I think there's a part of me that's disappointed to see all the classic fan favorite characters get completely wasted. I understand the need to let a new generation take the stage, but they just do so little with the few they give us. It's like a whole lot of nothing.

So much of this season just feels like a sloppy poorly put together mess, while being dull and boring and recycling the worst parts of the first season. As generic as they were, Special Week actually feels like a stronger character than Kitasan Black, which is really saying something.
>> No. 38075 [Edit]
>> No. 38132 [Edit]
Season 3 must have got rid of the writers that made the first two seasons so good...
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