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File 164237380828.jpg - (67.01KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Girls_ Frontline - 01 (720p) [B445643.jpg )
35971 No. 35971 [Edit]
Anyone here watching this?
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>> No. 35972 [Edit]
I abstain from Chinese media as a general rule.
>> No. 35973 [Edit]
smart rule.
>> No. 35974 [Edit]
The QUALITY is on par with the azurlane anime, but this at least seems better so far.
>> No. 35978 [Edit]
File 164330752095.jpg - (544.05KB , 1113x913 , be5b813b9815e96dfe470dac4b43a68e.jpg )
I'm three ep in, and so far I'm amazed they resisted the urge to spam every popular character the game has. I don't think they there has been so much as a cameo by any of the 5* dolls. They seem to be just focused on adapting the story from the game while concentrating on core characters. Seems like the smart thing to do here really. Out of all the mobile games I've played, GFL was the only one with a story that got me invested.
The production values do kinda suck but the show seems decent in spite of that.
>> No. 35987 [Edit]
File 164390741972.jpg - (57.36KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Girls_ Frontline - 04 (720p) [2361AD8.jpg )
4ep now and the quality is getting worse. I can't remember the last time I ever noticed audio issues in an anime. I'm no audiophile so things generally sound fine to me, but this anime... It's like they give 0 fucks about making the sounds match what's on the screen. In ep4 there's a lot of moments where you see characters firing off their guns... but you hear nothing. Then you hear gunfire, but they're not shooting. It's not just that the sound is off, the sound clips they use don't even match the animations, let alone weapon types.
And no, I'm not talking about the phenomenon where a round shot from a far away can reach you before the sound of the gunshot does because of the round traveling faster than the speed of sound. I'm talking about close quarters combat. There's no way in hell the people behind this anime would do that much research, these are people who seem to think a modern rifle would lose all effectiveness if it's more than 10 yards away from the target.
>> No. 36038 [Edit]
File 164773717958.jpg - (30.84KB , 640x360 , 1.jpg )
Look how they massacred my girl...
>> No. 36051 [Edit]
File 164839070984.jpg - (97.66KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Girls_ Frontline - 09 (720p) [15B5FA7.jpg )
This is getting harder to watch with each passing ep.
>> No. 36100 [Edit]
File 165047209321.jpg - (387.97KB , 1280x720 , negave fixed.jpg )
In the end, this felt like a disappointing clusterfuck of low quality garbage. 0 fucks seemed to be given in animation, art, sound, and even writing. They also don't seem to have even the most basic understanding of guns. That's supposed to be the main focus of the series, but they couldn't even get that right. Out of everything wrong with this adaptation, I think the thing that still bugged me the most was changing "questionable" character designs so they wouldn't offend anyone. I'm not sure if maybe because /pol/ latched onto the character, but Negave got butchered. Then there's Kat who got her breast removed, which just makes no damn sense to me.
I found it amazing the game devs would go with a studio like that, but others I've spoken to seem to seem to think it was WB that approached them, just wanting to quickly and cheaply shit out another tittle to throw on their pile of IP.
I hope it gets a remake someday, as unlikely as that is to happen.

They would have been 100x better off letting this guy adapt the game story.
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