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36236 No. 36236 [Edit]
He's human; not a demon

He is not the dog boy Inuyasha
>> No. 36238 [Edit]
Maybe the smell is that strong?
>> No. 36239 [Edit]
I've never seen Demon Slayer. Does it actually deserve half the praise it gets?
>> No. 36240 [Edit]
No. It's pretty sloppy. Awful comedy. Nice animation though.
>> No. 36241 [Edit]
Why do you suppose it got so big then?
>> No. 36242 [Edit]
Same reason Naruto did? It successfully panders to its target demographic.
>> No. 36243 [Edit]
I like it.
>> No. 36244 [Edit]
>awful animation
You're trolling
>> No. 36245 [Edit]
Nice reading comprehension. It doesn't say "awful animation" anywhere at all.
>> No. 36246 [Edit]
Yes this is, very true. And yet, there are things which exist only subtextually, not explicitly. No where in my post did I call you a faggot, for example
>> No. 36251 [Edit]
Easy there buddy. We're all friends here. No need for any of that now.
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