No. 4567
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Finished playing the baled of gay tony today, and played the lost and damned right before that.
The lost and damned was pretty much what I expected, short, pointless and the same repetitive crap from IV.
I think the lost and damned must have had all of 12 missions, if that, and almost all of them were the same repetitive cover based shooter missions that IV was made almost entirely of.
I was just so sick of that glueing yourself to cover crap, I just slowly walked into gun fire and I quickly as easily took down the enemies, as I ignored the ai teammates yelling at me to get to cover, I basically told them to shove that cover up their ass, and that I'll use it when the enemies don't all just stand there like idiots and let you shoot them.
I think only one out of ten ai enemies will take cover and shoot at you, the rest just act like target practice dolls most of the time.
and this is what most of the game is!!
I really think they should have had less enemies, but smarter and harder.
It kind of kills the impact and fun when you're fighting a army of idiots.
I mean, these games are supposed to be more on the realistic side, yet you have platoons of brain dead morons practically asking you to shoot them.
There was one mission in which you hunt down vans and blow them up, and another which is a rail shooter, the rest are just going from point A to point B and doing the old cover shooter thing when you get there, but sometimes you might get in a shoot out on your way to point C... heh...
The story seemed pretty stupid to me and poorly done, leader of the biker gang gets out of prison, and acts like a dick, the gets sent back, and the guys in the gang blame you for no good reason, and they make this big deal about you being in change now, but I'm sitting there thinking, what changed? what were they doing before their leader was released from prison? why are they ignoring this point? it's just going back to how things were a few days before.
So you kill the guys calling you a rat, then kill your old leader because he was talking to cops on the inside, and the club kind of disbands, end of story.
oh and there was some full frontal male nudity at one point, I guess rockstar really need a shot of controversy for this game, sometimes that seems to be the only way they can sell anything anymore.
Anyway, lost and damn had some new mini games added, but I didn't give a crap, arm wrestling and some card game, seems pointless.
It's what I expected, a very small addon to IV, just more of the same crap.
Now, the ballade of gay tony, that I can safely say I enjoyed.
Maybe I'm biased here because I like the night club thing they got going on, and the character's mom reminds me of my own, but I think it really was pretty decent.
the weapons were better, the music was better(in my opinion) and most importantly, the story and missions were better.
Those diamonds were a considerable part of IV, but they didn't fill us in on all the details, which is what the ballad of gay tony does.
I'd say this does a very good job of intertwining the story of the game with that of IV, yet still having it's own and keeping it it's own.
I didn't give much of a damn about the characters in lost and damned, but here the characters are flushed out pretty well, you can get to know them a little and maybe even care about the problems they face in this game, and how they deal with it.
The missions had a lot more diversity to them then IV and LaD did, by far, this game actually makes me wish IV could have been more like this, sure, some of them don't make much sense, like jumping onto the back of a train, and making your way to the front car as you fight off attack helicopters, so that it can be air lifted away, but whatever, fun is fun right?
although there are still those same old cover based shooter type missions, they make up only half the missions or so, for the others, you get to do things like literally scaring the shit out of a blogger by tossing him out a helicopter, then skydiving to catch him mid fall, or shooting down a tank being air transported and running from the cops in the thing.
Just the fact this instalment finally introduced the tank should make it clear that this was what IV should have been, even if it is a mini swat tank type thing.
this one also easily has the best weapon selection of the 3 installments, The remote detonated sticky bomb alone was awesome, but that actually kind of pissed me off a bit.
I mean, rockstar purposely held out on GTAIV, specific with weapons, just so they could use them in DLC like this, There's no reason they couldn't have had these weapons in IV, in fact, they did actually, with other things from the DLC, to think they had the balls to leave content you have to pay for to get at, in the game you already paid for... man..
At least it wasn't so bad in the vehicles department, sure the vehicle selection in IV sucked, but it sucked just as much in t.l.&d. and t.b.o.g.t.
t.l.&d. added some new choppers, but who really cares about that? they mostly look the same anyway oh and some van type of thing.
t.b.o.g.t. added in the tank and some gold car, but that's about it for that.
Money sure is useless in both DLC games, in t.l.&d., they give you max ammo before the last mission, and there's like nothing else to buy other then ammo in the game.
as for t.b.o.g.t., all the guns they give you are better then the stuff they sell in the game, which is all just the junk from IV.
I finished the game with only ever buying armor, and food here and there for health.
oh, something else worth noting here, in each DLC game, you only get one save spot for some reason, and also, the map is completely open from the start of both, yet both take place in the same time frame as IV, which had closed bridges, just thought it was a bit off.
Currently playing Amnesia, tad bit on the dull side... I tried getting into it and playing in the dark, that sort of thing, but meh, maybe main stream games have screwed ruined me a little, making me expect something to blow up ever five minutes.
Heck, I was even carrying around objects at first to use as weapons for a little bit there, but then this isn't that kind of game...
I think what I know about the game has kind of screwed with the experience.
I haven't seen very much game play of it, or know anything about the story, but everyone would always talk about how it doesn't have enemies popping up all the time, and it's more about what isn't there.
So I was able to go around without caring much, because I knew enemies were rare to pop up, although this might change as I get feather in, so far all I've seen is a quick glimpse of one walking down a hall, I chased after it but it was gone.
Yeah sure, it's got a lot of spooky noises, with the constant scratching sounds and the footsteps coming from nowhere, most of them I found more annoying then creepy or spooky, I started to tune out those foot steps and not care.
Well, although I haven't peed myself yet, I guess I should hold off on to much of the criticism until I've gotten father into the game.