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File 143283601175.png - (141.94KB , 700x185 , wixoss.png )
11509 No. 11509 [Edit]
Hello. We're looking for some people who'd like to play the wixoss TCG with us. Considering we're playing online I figured this technically counts as /vg/.

Most of you probably recognize wixoss as a fairly crazy, rather crap and yet somewhat enjoyable anime that aired last year (split cours, one in Spring, one in Autumn). The anime was made to promote the card game in a fairly unusual way - the rules are never really explained in detail and the show does its very best to ignore the card game and focus on the plot (although all the cards played in the anime have TCG versions as well and they share the same effects).

The TCG itself is surprisingly fun. I decided to give it a try just for the heck of it (simply because I was watching the anime really) but I've gotta say I'm rather impressed by it. The rules are deceptivly easy - after I read them I couldn't imagine the game being anything but terrible and boy was I wrong.

Anyway, we have a small - and frankly, somewhat unactive but we're looking to change it! - gaming group. IRC is our preferred 'contact method'. Using mibbit is more than good enough. For starters you can join #tohno-chan on Rizon and if I'll spot you expressing interest in wixoss I can teach you how to play (with hands on experience of course, since reading the rules takes like 5 minutes).
If you're clueless about IRC use /irc/ to join the channel.

For now we're using Lackey with the Bato-Ruu plugin. We might switch to webxoss once the card database will get fully updated but that might take a while.

Anyway, here's the stuff you'll need:
• Lackey:
- Windows download:
- Mac download:
- there's no real Linux version but you can run it using WINE:
• latest Bato-Ruu plugin:
• reading the rules in advance won't hurt:
• willingness to play!
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