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File 142066659748.jpg - (174.36KB , 510x546 , 1405978762582.jpg )
11291 No. 11291 [Edit]
Does Tohno-chan have ok legs?
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>> No. 11293 [Edit]
File 142067618846.jpg - (160.89KB , 500x500 , 1415797950312.jpg )
He certainly doesn't have much brouzouf.
>> No. 11294 [Edit]
File 142067651053.png - (281.63KB , 978x635 , 1417672622861.png )
Should have know this was a dead chan
>> No. 11295 [Edit]
dead like a fox
>> No. 11296 [Edit]
I didn't even know other people enjoyed that game.
>> No. 11297 [Edit]
File 142067888669.png - (727.37KB , 864x865 , 1405983120395.png )
Yeah, very beloved at 8chan/v/, only posted here since it's down right now.

Figures, any other chan to lurk on?
>> No. 11298 [Edit]
nope, they're all dead or dying.
>> No. 11299 [Edit]
Good to know, you run coop together there too or only post about it?
>> No. 11300 [Edit]
File 142068133069.png - (41.07KB , 650x476 , 1418935043400-2.png )
Sometime coop, it's hard to get anyone to host servers, we get around say 16 people at a time at most from what I been in, however, I've seen them go up to max 32
>> No. 11301 [Edit]
File 142068187150.png - (16.65KB , 350x615 , 1407093886936.png )
also here

It's the group I'm currently following for E.Y.E related things, as well as other cyberpunk related games
>> No. 11302 [Edit]
You can go ahead and leave now.
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