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File 13227241459.jpg - (109.90KB , 1032x774 , yoshitaka_amano_wallpaper_by_jessieopteryx.jpg )
5504 No. 5504 [Edit]
Greetings comrades, I was wondering if anyone was up for some DS online game playing, if anyone is interested post your games, and then later on we can set up a date for which to set up matches via IRC.

Diddy Kong Racing DS
Custom Robo Arena
Surf's Up
Star Fox Command
Mario Kart DS
Metroid Prime: Hunters
Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales
Final Fantasy III
>> No. 5505 [Edit]
...There was online fighting in FF3? I thought that was just the chocobo mail thing or whatever?
>> No. 5513 [Edit]
I am not sure, I just looked on the box.
>> No. 5529 [Edit]
I have Metroid Prime: Hunters and Star Fox Command out of that list.

I don't use IRC...sorry.
>> No. 5539 [Edit]
Remembering this thread now...
I just found out Radiant Historia was an Atlus game, I'm definitely getting it now.

I'm fairly certain it's just the mail thing.
>> No. 5545 [Edit]
uhm yeah sure but then we also have to share friendcodes, I would prefer to play MP:H and Mario kart.

made a similar thread about wii earlier
>> No. 5546 [Edit]

Ah..that game is good. The soundtrack is nice on its own too.
>> No. 5547 [Edit]
The soundtrack is absolutely amazing.
>> No. 5549 [Edit]
I would be willing to play anything.

I have not used my DS in a long time, the flip-thing is really loose and makes a weird noise when I open or close it.
>> No. 5554 [Edit]
This thread should include 3DS games.

So far I have Dead or Alive: Dimensions, Super Street Fighter IV, Mario Kart 7, and Kid Icarus: Urising as my only online 3DS games.

I think that Kid Icarus might be the best 3DS game ever made.

Post edited on 28th Mar 2012, 3:55pm
>> No. 6407 [Edit]
Pokemon Soul Silver: 5243 7054 5370
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