No. 6315
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The endings were supposed to be wildly divergent? I intentionally didn't find out as much about ME3 as possible pre-launch, so the lack of divergence didn't really bother me that much. They were different enough to make me happy, and the fact that it was the end of a long journey, regardless of the path you took there... Made it all worth it. Others seem to criticize the lack of your earlier choices making a difference there, but I thought that's how it should be... No matter what you did, the end of the road is the same.
No, there are more differences. Like, during the London scene, in the red one, the Reapers break and humans cheer or explode (good/bad red). In the green, the Reapers suddenly go up, and humans just watch them go up. In blue, the reapers go up, and humans cheer again.
There's some differences in the second part too. Apparently in "good" red, you see like Joker, Liara and Garrus, bad one no one, green and blue you see Joker, Liara and EDI. In Green one EDI and Joker are embracing, because apparently now EDI is... More human than before.
In other words, the devil is in the details.