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File 128910224098.png - (299.62KB , 750x600 , 1285712858758.png )
10119 No. 10119 [Edit]
Can we get a Yukkuri thread going?
39 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 10159 [Edit]
File 128936292040.jpg - (383.97KB , 400x3500 , 1277224438894.jpg )
>> No. 10160 [Edit]
File 128936297646.jpg - (304.78KB , 400x2500 , 1277224543549.jpg )
>> No. 10161 [Edit]
File 128936302710.jpg - (194.67KB , 550x1350 , 5574.jpg )
>> No. 10162 [Edit]
File 128936306659.jpg - (154.35KB , 550x1300 , 5575.jpg )
>> No. 10163 [Edit]
File 128936311496.jpg - (366.61KB , 650x2310 , 1277147050294.jpg )
>> No. 10164 [Edit]
File 128936318489.jpg - (456.31KB , 650x2309 , 1277147264731.jpg )
>> No. 10165 [Edit]
File 128936320281.jpg - (408.71KB , 650x2310 , 1277147459528.jpg )
>> No. 10166 [Edit]
File 128936322682.jpg - (928.45KB , 640x2880 , 3909.jpg )
>> No. 10167 [Edit]
File 128936348813.png - (92.23KB , 400x600 , different bat.png )
>> No. 10168 [Edit]
File 128936372747.png - (845.35KB , 400x3260 , 1277236975317.png )
>> No. 10169 [Edit]
File 128937001128.jpg - (63.61KB , 462x407 , magnif.jpg )
>This thread

Thanks for the dump!
>> No. 10170 [Edit]
File 128937467854.jpg - (297.50KB , 500x500 , 1281664013402.jpg )
>> No. 10171 [Edit]
File 128937471121.jpg - (112.00KB , 540x720 , 3.jpg )
>> No. 10172 [Edit]
Why.. Am... I.. So close to orgasming...?
>> No. 10173 [Edit]
File 129078983634.png - (96.41KB , 500x500 , パンツァゆっくりしていってね!!.png )
>> No. 10174 [Edit]
File 129080334351.png - (46.47KB , 190x178 , 1276797361435 yukkucirno.png )
>> No. 10175 [Edit]
File 129080337113.jpg - (368.42KB , 1000x750 , 1288161767773 yukkuri.jpg )
>> No. 10176 [Edit]
File 129080340090.png - (138.99KB , 800x600 , 11557f1198ee305185d7ff2c143f882b horo yukkuri.png )
>> No. 10177 [Edit]
File 129080567968.jpg - (55.21KB , 724x436 , death_asuka-crying.jpg )
why I don't have a yukkuri?...
>> No. 10178 [Edit]
File 12908102628.png - (48.87KB , 996x590 , nonoyukkuri.png )
>> No. 10179 [Edit]
File 129081407923.jpg - (149.06KB , 780x600 , 8f0c556ad24e8a045a1a8991802f978a.jpg )
>> No. 10180 [Edit]
File 129081433192.jpg - (143.19KB , 305x1100 , wat.jpg )
>> No. 10181 [Edit]
These things creep me the fuck out.
>> No. 10182 [Edit]
File 129143953283.jpg - (79.36KB , 576x432 , Bald cat.jpg )
Me too. Especially when you start imagining their voices and the smell they make when their insides are oozing out. They're on a similar level of creepiness as unnaturally bald animals. Yuck.
>> No. 10183 [Edit]
File 129144355660.jpg - (164.07KB , 920x653 , 9c0836264101350337291252267546ed.jpg )
Take it easy!
>> No. 10184 [Edit]
Is that a pit bull puppy?
>> No. 10185 [Edit]
what. the. fuck. this is as bad as high pitched shitty hentai moans.

not my cup fo0 tea but if you like it carry on.
>> No. 10186 [Edit]
File 129437185820.jpg - (23.14KB , 361x201 , toking_it_easy.jpg )
>> No. 10187 [Edit]
thats fucked up
>> No. 10188 [Edit]
File 130140225949.jpg - (36.16KB , 332x500 , iAmゆっくり.jpg )
Not the guy you're asking, but I figure it's one of these bald cats:
Pretty fucked up how the breeders forced the cats into incest and kept breeding them even though they kept getting born with all kinds of health problems. At least Yukkuri artists keep their shit confined to the 2D world.
>> No. 10189 [Edit]
Why do I find these to be so adorable?

Always feel bad when they die.
>> No. 10190 [Edit]
File 13024680663.jpg - (184.85KB , 644x2285 , 1301789608754.jpg )
this is really fucked up :(
>> No. 10191 [Edit]
These things are cute in an indescribably fucked up way.
>> No. 10192 [Edit]
I usually don't enjoy guro, but the sadist in me absolutely loves these.
>> No. 10193 [Edit]
File 131179385844.png - (22.57KB , 600x550 , cirno50.png )
These things are just so... weird.
I honestly don't see the appeal.

I mean look at this.
What is cute about that?

Kittens are cute.
Cirno is cute.
These things are abominations.
Why do they even exist?
>> No. 10194 [Edit]
they're a joke, little more.
>> No. 10195 [Edit]
File 131187142843.png - (515.29KB , 500x657 , Flandre3.png )

I looked them up and apparently the concept started with some guy's failed drawing of Reimu and Marisa. Then, for some strange reason, people thought it would be a good idea to make more of them.

I sure am glad these things aren't canon.
I will give them some cred though. These threads are great for deterring "normal" posters.
>> No. 10196 [Edit]
I am very sorry to hear this. 'Yukkuri shiteite ne' is more than just a joke, or just a mistake, or just some strange drawings. Yukkuris represents an ideology, one so pure and sincere it's hard to comprehend. Spanning oceans and deserts, crossing worlds and religion, breaking borders and language, even dimensions; larger than life, yet consists only of 3 words. The message is to "take it easy", and the speakers and bearers are the fabled yukkuris. Innocent and unable in protecting themselves from whatever evils, they will march with but these 3 words, and a will stronger than Mount Fuji. With this will they will absorb your misfortune, take your beatings, bleed your blood, die your uneasy death. This will asks of you to: Take it easy. Yukkuri shiteitte ne! ゆっくりしていってね!!!
>> No. 10197 [Edit]
File 131187564944.jpg - (868.81KB , 1500x1700 , 814794.jpg )
Second sentence is ofcourse
>yukkuri shiteitte ne

My bad. I was unable to either edit or delete. Anyway, I trust that I need not mention that yukkuris are the bones of this site and everything like it? Okay...? Good!
>> No. 10198 [Edit]
File 131193296317.png - (41.95KB , 425x320 , touhouCO_cirno029.png )

Uh... I don't really get it, but basically you're telling me I'm not allowed to dislike them right?

>> No. 10199 [Edit]
No that's perfectly fine. Taking it easy do on many levels resolve around tolerance, so I'll just take it easy and tolerate your, hmm, "bestestnes".

Just take it easy and everything will be alright~
>> No. 10200 [Edit]
File 13315088647.jpg - (151.13KB , 600x503 , Yukkuri play.jpg )
Could we get the abuse pics removed? I know that it wasn't specified that abuse wasn't allowed in this thread, but I really don't think that that should be necessary.

The only reason I could see for someone to post it here is to be mean-spirited.
>> No. 10201 [Edit]
Isn't the bulk of Yukkuri content abusive?
seems like nice/cute/passive stuff just makes up a small fraction of it.
>> No. 10202 [Edit]
File 133150968377.jpg - (253.03KB , 920x653 , Yukkuri nest.jpg )
No. You're probably judging based on OYP or 2chan, but most of the abuse work comes from a few artists who churn out a dozen pages at a time and OYP mostly ignores the non-violent stuff.
>> No. 10203 [Edit]
File 133373792029.jpg - (228.04KB , 800x1131 , Reimu Yukkuri.jpg )
>> No. 10204 [Edit]
File 133373796186.jpg - (622.76KB , 1024x724 , Yukkuripocalypse.jpg )
>> No. 11124 [Edit]
File 141411158886.png - (34.81KB , 600x530 , アノ二ゆっくり.png )
Revolting easy!
>> No. 11151 [Edit]
What a dumb yukkuri, now everyone saw her face and she isn't anonymous anymore.
>> No. 11156 [Edit]
What makes it more confusing is that the faces are exactly the same. They are said to have spawned as a result of a massive hack since they have not been encountered in the wild. No one knows how.

Post edited on 31st Oct 2014, 9:50am
>> No. 11202 [Edit]
File 141670008392.jpg - (111.26KB , 705x744 , fffffffffffffffff.jpg )
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