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File 132883531395.jpg - (69.41KB , 560x420 , photo-full.jpg )
6061 No. 6061 [Edit]
$1 million raised in less than 24 hours. This is going to have a big impact on game development.
Expand all images
>> No. 6062 [Edit]
Holy shit.

Wow, that's really all I can say. Holy shit.

I hope they do something great with all that extra money.
>> No. 6063 [Edit]
While I like Doublefine and all that junk, I don't really see the appeal in paying for a game we know nothing about and then paying a second time to actually buy it.
>> No. 6064 [Edit]
I don't know what doublefine is
>> No. 6065 [Edit]
company from the guy who made classic point-and-click adventure games like grim fandango and day of the tentacle
>> No. 6066 [Edit]
also psychonauts and brutal legend
>> No. 6067 [Edit]
Clive Blezinski had a thoughts about this years ago on how to get funds in the future. I am most sure you get it for free or a heavy cut in price.
Personaly I would just buy stock from them.

Post edited on 10th Feb 2012, 3:38am
>> No. 6068 [Edit]
Read the tab on the right of the page. Those who contribute with $15 will get the video documentary, the beta and the full game.

I feel really bad I can't back it right now. The idea is awesome, Tim Schaffer is awesome and we can only dream of the day when we get fucked up good in the arse by something else that isn't a giant publisher.
>> No. 6071 [Edit]
>All of Double Fine’s success from Kickstarter has been inspiring.

>Out of curiosity, if Obsidian did Kickstart a project, what would you want to see funded? (You can respond in comments or to @ChrisAvellone on Twitter, whichever you prefer.)

Please let this happen.

Post edited on 10th Feb 2012, 4:11pm
>> No. 6072 [Edit]
If they do I'm sure it will be held back by console limitations and constant dumbing down to appeal to the average gamer, and only vaguely resemble any ideas people put into it
>> No. 6073 [Edit]
This should help wake up a lot of devs to the fact that publishers are are useless.
>> No. 6076 [Edit]
I don't think a company like EA would take that laying down. If this business model does indeed become popular I'd expect some legal magic being worked as hard as it can to stop it
>> No. 6092 [Edit]
I'm sure they would try to do as you said, but unless they find a way to make fund raisers illegal, I really can't imagine what if anything they can do.

Post edited on 14th Feb 2012, 12:03pm
>> No. 6094 [Edit]
Push for legislation that says only licensed video game companies can legally make video games, and one of the requirements for being licensed is for your company to be worth x amount of dollars and approved by a committee (that the big companies would staff themselves). It would be called the Protect Children from Pornographic Games Act and would be passed through unanimously in the US and later in other countries when the US threatens them.
>> No. 6096 [Edit]
>Chris Avellone
>Time for the Kickstarter Twitter/FB/forum sorting. Thanks for all the responses, I hope to have an update (may be more questions) soon.
>After sorting the RPG Kickstarter tweets alone, my brain is happy but man, my eyes hurt. Reminder to self: Next time, do a poll.

via his Twitter yesterday.
>> No. 6112 [Edit]
File 132934259315.jpg - (134.52KB , 680x676 , Wasteland-Retro-Box-Art.jpg )
Wasteland reboot via Kickstart incoming.

>Wasteland, whatever its called, will be "100% faithful to its roots." This means a Wasteland game that "would be focusing on top-down, probably isometric, party based, skill based -- where if you'd just finished playing Wasteland and moved onto this you'd feel comfortable."

I never even heard about this game until I saw this. Apparently it's the spritual prequel to Fallout, as some of the Wasteland devs went on to develop it later on.
>> No. 6159 [Edit]
Wow.. that's a lot for an indie studio..
>> No. 6239 [Edit]
File 133098647067.jpg - (114.29KB , 454x599 , box-front.jpg )
Official site + blog + forum are up:
>> No. 6325 [Edit]
File 133166772727.jpg - (114.04KB , 560x420 , photo-full.jpg )
The Wasteland 2 Kickstarter page just went up today, and it already hit 240k/900k funded.
>> No. 6329 [Edit]
Goal of 900k reached in less than 2 days. Pretty crazy.
>> No. 6331 [Edit]
id rather they made another decent fallout game
>> No. 6333 [Edit]

If by decent you mean like Fallout 1/2 then count me in. Then again I'm hoping this is what Wasteland remake will look like.

Can't believe how I spent so much time reading all the E3 news feeds back in the day, hoping for some info on Van Buren only to see it die, get revived and then get releases as Oblivion: guns expansion pack. Oh well, that's life for you.
>> No. 6376 [Edit]
And have half+ of the budget burnt away on countering senseless lobbying from big, mean Bethesda? Sometimes you have to let go of certain brandnames/franchises. Having their baby brand (read: Gothic) stolen from them didn't stop Pirahna Bytes from making an awesome sequel (read: Risen).
>> No. 6377 [Edit]

I'm still sad at how fucked up that series got. Gothic 3 was the first and last game I ever pre-ordered after years of piracy, never again.
>> No. 6390 [Edit]
I am quite sceptical about this. For me it looks like this kind of success on Kickstarter removes the major incentive(s) to make good games.
>> No. 6430 [Edit]
Obsidian/Chris Avellone will collaborate with the inXile to develop Wasteland 2 if the Wastlend 2 Kickstarter reaches 2.1 million in funding.
>> No. 6431 [Edit]


... Why.
>> No. 6432 [Edit]
That's a good point there.
Regardless of whether or not the game sucks, people already paid for it.
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