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No. 10846 [Edit]
Whats the worst game youve ever played?
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>> No. 10849 [Edit]
La-Mulana. I'm all for puzzle games but not when they're so pointlessly obtuse and tedious.
>> No. 10900 [Edit]
Life. Behold, my wit.

But for real, probably Uncharted or Assassin's Creed, as both have incredibly shallow gameplay.
>> No. 10901 [Edit]
wow. if you think Uncharted or Assassin's Creed is the worst game ever, you need to play more videogames. A loooot more.
>> No. 10902 [Edit]
I am sure there are many games much worse. However, the topic is
>worst game youve ever played?

I try to avoid bad games.
>> No. 11280 [Edit]
Pay to win games are the worst
>> No. 11283 [Edit]
Before the internet you would have inevitably encountered a bad game. Guess you're a bit young and had the internet as a kid or something.
>> No. 11284 [Edit]
I am young compared to the general population, but probably about average for here. I am 26.

As a child, my game information came from other children and magazines rather than the Internet. To be fair, I'm pretty sure my family had Internet access since before I was born. However, I didn't know how to use it, and whenever I was allowed to use the computer I would just play Doom 1 or 2, some Star Wars rail shooter, or Battle Chess.

I would always rent a game before asking for it for my birthday or Christmas. There probably are some terrible games I don't remember that I rented. I think also, when I was a kid I was more easily impressed and my memory of childhood is kind of a haze. One time I rented a PlayStation game, and there was a piece of gum stuck to the bottom of it and I couldn't get it off. That was probably the worst game I ever rented.

Trying to think back now, I think I played Superman 64 at a friend's house once when he rented it. That game is obviously definitely worse than the games I mentioned earlier.
>> No. 12156 [Edit]
File 146776099384.jpg - (37.39KB , 350x500 , catwoman.jpg )
>> No. 12157 [Edit]
File 146777811323.png - (108.30KB , 300x375 , Second_Sight_cover.png )
maybe not the absolute worst I played but it's the first that comes to mind. I bought it from a bargain bin for $10 new back when the ps2 was in it's prime. It literally gave me migraines playing this game. I couldn't get far into it because I felt like it was killing me. I still think the concept is solid enough but the way it played was horrid. I vaguely recall one issue I had with it being endlessly re spawning enemies that made fighting feel pointless.
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