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File 146282681853.jpg - (242.90KB , 460x2328 , WPGuxmO.jpg )
12100 No. 12100 [Edit]
Your errors will pile up while your successes will disappear. -Tetris
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>> No. 12110 [Edit]
If you're white, you should avoid blacks at all cost, and vice-versa. - Ikaruga
>> No. 12111 [Edit]
File 146329674249.jpg - (146.90KB , 850x715 , g20160615.jpg )
Chinese Girls always have double-buns hair-style.
>> No. 12126 [Edit]
File 146361897959.jpg - (140.06KB , 819x354 , 1443609857300.jpg )
It takes money to make money, and the most effective way to make more is to play the markets.
>> No. 12128 [Edit]
I've lost $200 in the stock market so far.
>> No. 12129 [Edit]
File 14637021906.jpg - (100.86KB , 800x610 , 1459510050940.jpg )

The stock market is gambling, I meant the actual market. physical goods, not leaves of paper with markings on them made by the people who actually do the buying and selling.
>> No. 12239 [Edit]
File 147573951567.jpg - (119.45KB , 1024x1520 , 20161005.jpg )
Violence solves everything...
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